the hate thread

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I hate that I got my stack of albums I ordered and all of the jewel cases were broken severely! The fronts were all cracked real bad and the little thing that holds the disks were all broken as well. I was quite angry. Lucky for me I had a pile of spare jewel cases, so after a few minutes of transplant surgery all is well.
ask teh grimace

maybe, in a couple of years, by the grace of god, metal will pull it's head out of it's ass and produce something worth loving. there hasn't been a "metal" album since the late 90s that's as good as Frog Eyes "The Golden River" or Jolie Holland "Catalpa" or any fucking thing that Bonnie Prince Billy has released.

Broken Social Scene > all metal from the '00s.
The only sports I care for are hockey, boxing, and mixed martial arts. Basically sports with fighting.

I can respect sports like football or baseball. Though baseball should maybe institute a hurry-up-and-throw-the-damn-ball-before-I-fall-asleep rule.

I can't stand basketball though. Watching a bunch of niggaz bounce a ball back and forth until it pathetically gets slapped out of their hands...leading to a foul, then a plethora of more hand slapping...
I can't stand basketball though. Watching a bunch of niggaz bounce a ball back and forth until it pathetically gets slapped out of their hands...leading to a foul, then a plethora of more hand slapping...
Yes, I fucking HATE basketball with a passion as well. I'm one of the very few American males who you won't find glued to the couch in March watching college hoop.
I used to play baseball. But it's boring. Just fucking boring.

Basketball is fun to play but shit to watch, and soccer was my game until I quit. I'm still pretty good, though not as good as I was. I'd like to try boxing, but nothing for kids my age around here. I skateboard alot, and that's about it for sports.

I watch football, don't play.

I fucking hate tomato sauce. I have told my brother this and he still made me a special fucking plate of pasta with tomato sauce for dinner. Not as a joke or anything, he's just fucking wierd.
I hate that I got my stack of albums I ordered and all of the jewel cases were broken severely! The fronts were all cracked real bad and the little thing that holds the disks were all broken as well. I was quite angry. Lucky for me I had a pile of spare jewel cases, so after a few minutes of transplant surgery all is well.
Yeah this can be prety annoying. They're still better than digipacks though.

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