Lol base delta zero i like your sense of humor
I skipped reading all the posts involving nukes and politics
I hate shallow people
I hate the concept of emo music and culture
I hate some of the ideas about society and politics and other contraversial issues...
I hate people who won't do what you tell them to and then moan later about suffering the consequences when they didn't take your advice
I hate ghetto culture 'cos it's a lot of made up shit, the crap outweighs the truth by about 100:1
I hate people who think they know EVERYTHING
I hate microsoft, and hate the success playstation have 'cos I compared the consols and recon playstation is the inferior of them all. nevermind
I hate getting into big debates 'cos whenever I do the opposition has never thought about their arguments for 2 seconds and won't listen to you're logic or arguments anyway.
I hate the idea of the "american dream", materialism, to be successful you need lots of money, and all that
I hate Bullys, muggers, and other sorts of morons
I hate reallly shit pop music that makes loads of money
I hate mtv and celebrity culture (i think I spelt that wrongly but nevermind)
I hate backchatting and bitching and then realising that I do it on occassion
I hate hipocrits
I hate idiots who mock things cos they can't understand, despite frequent attempts to show them logically the stuff the don't understand
I hate idiots who don't WANT to understand
I hate it when people don't want to see the obvious truth and give in to seeing what they want to see
I hate school for a number of reasons, and like very few things about it
I hate people who can't back up their opinions
I hate nasty large companies e.g nike, microsoft, etc (kinda mentioned that earlier)
I hate fashion
I hate it when people buy stuff like trainers for 200 quid just because of a label
I hate stealing and illegal downloading, it's just a thing I have a principle against
there's a lot of things to hate, I'm quite opinionated but atleast I think about stuff rather than being a mindless sheep, I base the way I live around that philosophy in some respect I suppose.
If anyone wants to say anything about any of that, I've given up caring so don't expect a reply or argument ok?