the hate thread

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I hate that my mother likes older celtic frost. It's kinda strange when your mother and 13 year old sister like a lot of music you like. My dad can't stand it though. My mother basically likes enya and music I like.
I hate that my mother likes older celtic frost. It's kinda strange when your mother and 13 year old sister like a lot of music you like. My dad can't stand it though. My mother basically likes enya and music I like.

I don't know why but I hate the fact that extreme/brutal metal gets more popular. I guess I like to be the only person in my school that listens to death and black metal.
I hate being in a house with no functioning internet connection. Anyway, that is why I haven'y been around, because I'm sure you have all been dying to know where I've been.
I don't know why but I hate the fact that extreme/brutal metal gets more popular. I guess I like to be the only person in my school that listens to death and black metal.

Same dude, same. I get my Celtic Frost, burzum, and Emperor shirts in the mail sometime this week. :kickass:

I cant wait. Hell, I get questioned when I wear my slayer shirt.
has it ever irritated any of your girlfriends in the past or present?? (metal)
Not really, since I didn't really listen to metal while I was hanging out with them. If we were in the car or something, I'd put on the radio, or listen to nothing. I wonder what my current roommates (both women) think of my death metal and black metal. One of them actually used to date a guy that was a metalhead, though the guy was more into traditional metal stuff.
My dad hates metal, but dosen't complain cause I do my thing and he does his. My mother likes some of it, but prefers the kind without the screaming (power, doom, progressive, etc). She won't complain either though cause I have a wide variety of tastes in music.

Also, just to add this in. I was quite a prick to many of the members of this board and I in general made a fool of myself last night. I'm not going to apologize cause many of my opinions (not relating to the members of this board) still stand, but I was being a prick towards other members cause of it. I was a bit drunk and angry at other problems I was having, which meh wasn't much of an excuse but still thought I'd explain myself. Yah guys probally don't care but just thought I'd attempt to say shit.

Now, as to what I hate, I particularly hate aprox %50 of jazz. Not because I have a thing against all jazz, some of it's amazingly beautiful, but some of it (about half of what I've been exposed to) seems pointless and half-decent at the very best.
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