the hate thread

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As to what I hate... I hate MSN. Why? Cause 95% of the people who dwell there are homosexual emo bastards who claim to be bi but who want to fuck men but still date women. Like wtf, make up your fucking mind already. I like homosexuals, they can be great, but jeeze, your either straight or homosexual at once time.

They're emosexual! :lol:
Now onto what I hate... I hate jews. Why? Not cause I'm a nazi-prick, but because they're religion sucks. Why does their religion suck? Cause all religion suck. They're religion sucks the most cause they have to be fucking born into it to be true jews. Who gives a fuck. Religion is a pile of unbelievable bullshit used to manipulate mankind into a rigid state of shit.

Nazis are not pricks.
I hate flying.

security checks have to throw away all liquids over 100 ml why need to take off shoes to put through xray machine long walk to terminal behind carrying luggage behind kids running everywhere and fat ladies blocking the way long line to plane ticket checked 20 times cant get to seat because fat man blocking passage trying to shove luggage babies crying too much milk just smack it hard and make it stop cramped space old fuck in front puts his seat back the whole way stupid advertisements throughout whole flight just wanna sleep ugly air hostess asking if i want plastic airline food thanks now shut up bitch man in next seat steals armrest uncomfortable seats just want to sleep
As to what I hate... I hate MSN. Why? Cause 95% of the people who dwell there are homosexual emo bastards who claim to be bi but who want to fuck men but still date women. Like wtf, make up your fucking mind already. I like homosexuals, they can be great, but jeeze, your either straight or homosexual at once time.

Firstly, I'd like to say fuck you all. I'm not drunk cause if I was drunk most of what I've been saying would be completly incoherent, or atleast more incoherent then what I've said so far.

Second, I will never shut up until I've been banned. Why? Because I feel like I fucking want to.

Now onto what I hate... I hate jews. Why? Not cause I'm a nazi-prick, but because they're religion sucks. Why does their religion suck? Cause all religion suck. They're religion sucks the most cause they have to be fucking born into it to be true jews. Who gives a fuck. Religion is a pile of unbelievable bullshit used to manipulate mankind into a rigid state of shit.

As to why I find black metal a superior form of metal to apease some above random posters question. Because I do. If you want a better explination, see my posts in the black metal thread. That's where I go into detail about black metal. So fuck you.

Haha, you're a dumbass. :lol: You're worse than most of the anti-religious people on here.
I hate people calling me a dumbass based on anti-religious comments that I make. Hell I have better reasons... I just don't want to write a fucking essay on why religion is stupid. But if you realy want me to, I will and I'll post it here just to show you that religion is fucking retarded. So what do I hate? You for calling me a dumbass based on nothing but a statement I made. So what if I'm rambiling deal with it. This is the hate thread, get used to rambiling.

As to what I truly hate. I hate Aerodynamic Records. Who the fuck wants to listen to CD's of the sounds of planes. WTF! It's the most retarded idea I've ever heard...
alright kid we get it you hate religion and you think teh black metthull IS CVLT AS FUCK

blah blah get off your soapbox and shut the hell up

Edit: your comment on sexuality is asinine

it's like saying one either loves rock or loves metal but can't love both
I hate people calling me a dumbass based on anti-religious comments that I make. Hell I have better reasons... I just don't want to write a fucking essay on why religion is stupid. But if you realy want me to, I will and I'll post it here just to show you that religion is fucking retarded. So what do I hate? You for calling me a dumbass based on nothing but a statement I made. So what if I'm rambiling deal with it. This is the hate thread, get used to rambiling.

As to what I truly hate. I hate Aerodynamic Records. Who the fuck wants to listen to CD's of the sounds of planes. WTF! It's the most retarded idea I've ever heard...

Shut. Up.
And I hate you to. Enjoy it.

And nah, I actualy don't believe any of the shit that comes out of my mouth. This just me bitching for the sake of bitching. So I hate this thread, and my participation in it.

I hate faggots who are faggots but won't admit it. Come out of the closet, admit it, be proud. You don't have to hide. And if you do... well fuck that shit. Yah probally had it comming for yah. And this is comming from a faggot so wtf! Nah kidding, I don't buttfuck, but still. I lost my track of mind... fuck this shit. I need to stop drinking...
I hate people calling me a dumbass based on anti-religious comments that I make. Hell I have better reasons... I just don't want to write a fucking essay on why religion is stupid. But if you realy want me to, I will and I'll post it here just to show you that religion is fucking retarded. So what do I hate? You for calling me a dumbass based on nothing but a statement I made. So what if I'm rambiling deal with it. This is the hate thread, get used to rambiling.

As to what I truly hate. I hate Aerodynamic Records. Who the fuck wants to listen to CD's of the sounds of planes. WTF! It's the most retarded idea I've ever heard...

You're like a gayer version of The Greys, except that The Greys isn't too bad...

edit: DUMBASS!!!!!!!m!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha, it's funny cause when I first came to this forum I was like uber-peaceful trying to stop arguements and I got flamed like all shit cause I was trying to stop people from being dumbasses.

Now I come back and be a dumbass cause I thought "WTF, let's have some fun" and I get flamed to all shit.

Wow, I hate flaming.
Haha, it's funny cause when I first came to this forum I was like uber-peaceful trying to stop arguements and I got flamed like all shit cause I was trying to stop people from being dumbasses.

Now I come back and be a dumbass cause I thought "WTF, let's have some fun" and I get flamed to all shit.

Wow, I hate flaming.

lol u's really r retarded (i can feel bad 4 u now ;) )
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