the hate thread

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I really hate it when people look at me like I'm a wigger when I'm blasting hip hop in my car

I also hate how I can't find a job right now (I'm looking for a job that I can stand - like in a videogame store or at a gym somewhere)
Firstly, I'd like to say fuck you all. I'm not drunk cause if I was drunk most of what I've been saying would be completly incoherent, or atleast more incoherent then what I've said so far.

Second, I will never shut up until I've been banned. Why? Because I feel like I fucking want to.

Now onto what I hate... I hate jews. Why? Not cause I'm a nazi-prick, but because they're religion sucks. Why does their religion suck? Cause all religion suck. They're religion sucks the most cause they have to be fucking born into it to be true jews. Who gives a fuck. Religion is a pile of unbelievable bullshit used to manipulate mankind into a rigid state of shit.

As to why I find black metal a superior form of metal to apease some above random posters question. Because I do. If you want a better explination, see my posts in the black metal thread. That's where I go into detail about black metal. So fuck you.
Mmm... alright, I believe it's the highest form of music because it has the most atmosphere, emotion, and raw ability to transfer such a pure form of desolate hatred and anti-religious conceptualism. Amongst that it... when I listen to it... I just transcend into another world practically. It sends me far away into realms of subconscious solitude. It's a post-spiritual feeling.

Fuck, it's hard to explain. But that's the best I could do.

As to what I hate... I hate MSN. Why? Cause 95% of the people who dwell there are homosexual emo bastards who claim to be bi but who want to fuck men but still date women. Like wtf, make up your fucking mind already. I like homosexuals, they can be great, but jeeze, your either straight or homosexual at once time.
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