the hate thread

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man pop music absolutely drives me nuts nowadays... I hear it for 3 seconds in the gym and even that is enough

when will we start to have real artists making real music in the mainstream again???
What the fuck constitutes a "spiritual" path?

if you search for higher meaning to life, or you search for a greater understanding of the self, or a greater understanding of others, or you ponder little coincidences and oddly timed happenings longer than there's any logical reason to while considering the nature of "truth" and "reality" and "logic"... if you regard any of these things as more important than money and power and the stuff that generally constitutes "winning" in life, and if you're always trying to learn and grow and understand existance more clearly, never satisfied with where & who you are, then you are following a "spiritual path" and you are made closer to God, The Gods, The Spirit, whatever, and you really win at life, and yeah... :Saint:
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