the hate thread

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Just because I don't see things as tied into some greater nebulous, interwoven cosmic cloth does not mean that I cannot be astounded and awestruck by the beauty of nature or a song. You're implying too much from a differing ideology.

and lemonchiffon ftw
I hate all of this religious bullshit discussion. Why? Because it leads nowhere. Neither sides can prove one way or another. Just wait till your dead and believe what you believe. That's what I do. I don't believe but I don't go around trying to unconvert people I know who are religious. They have their beliefs and if they leave mine intact then it's all fine.

So points here:
1.) Religious people stop attacking non-religious people. Doesn't matter if you think they're going to burn in hell for it, let them believe what they believe cause attacking them for their beliefs is going to do nothing but provoke anger.
2.) Same thing for non-religous people towards religious people. Don't attack religious people cause you believe their deluded or some shit. They're belief, they're entitled to it.
So all religious discussion, you're saying, is worthless because the existence of God cannot be proven or disproven?
So all religious discussion, you're saying, is worthless because the existence of God cannot be proven or disproven?

I'm going to say in a Metal Forum... the statement is true. Honestly, in formums your going to get pointless comments, random posters, and in general idiots contributing into the conversation. Metal forums get alot of those type of people so I keep this out of the forums. That or put this discussion into the designated area created by the admins for this sort of discussion.
So all religious discussion, you're saying, is worthless because the existence of God cannot be proven or disproven?

Not if it's being run by people who actually know what they're talking about, and this forum is a horrible place for that. So let's cease and desist and talk about topics which people can enjoy (as those other topics can be enjoyed in real life without choppy post-by-post arguments).

God, I hate tinny, clean vocals used in conjunction with shitty "harsh" vocals in metalcore bands. I soon as I hear those, even if the band was halfway decent, I automatically write them off because they are past annoying.
it's always the people with nothing to contribute who come with the "what's the point of talking about this since nobody here knows what they're talking about and we'll never agree" when they're the only ones who don't know shit and when smart people talk about smart things it hurts their feelings...

i'm not making casual comments, i'm honestly as close as a white kid from texas can be to buddhism, and i'd certainly consider myself qualified to discuss spirituality in general after a decade-plus of intense soul searching...

LIVE AND LET LIVE is not the one true path through life. all enlightened people should feel compelled to enlighten others. that is the nature of enlightenment, that it fills one with such joy aside from the actual revelation itself that one should wish greatly to fill others with such joy, by attempting to facilitate similar revelation in them if the case be.
Once one frees themselves of the restrictions (controlling) of the mind, and focuses on indvidual thought, that is when you are truly free. Following a path, in essence, makes you a tool.

Sure I believe what around us is structured to work (in terms of living), but what says it's structered for us to have a set path? Everything has came to be pretty much at random. Things that happnened at the right time at the right place. People who are very "spiritual" tend to overlook scientific proof. Too bad you're wasting your time with this religious shit.

Live life as it comes, because there is no way to prepare your whole entire way of life.

edit: Fuckin human philosophies.
But it is the one most likely to make sure you don't get your ass kicked.

any life well-lived was surely wrought with suffering.

in comfort and safety, we become nothing.

in feeling fulfilled, we are emptied.

to live with open wounds is to never forget the truth.

pain, though not the only truth, is the truest.


do not seek peace through aversion of harmful things. instead, throw your body into the fire and know peace when you are no longer concerned with your burning.
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