the hate thread

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I take meds and I'm still mentally ill. Thankfully, no one can tell.


I think these meds are working alittle. The thing is I suffer more from anxiety and doctors say it stems from depression or whatever so only end up getting depression meds. I want xanex or valium.
I hate that waves and wires will not come out of the closet. The person has been here for awile and can't even tell his fellow board members he's a flamming pillow biter.
As a child I used to hate going to sleep when I had a fever. Sometimes you get to experience this really unpleasant sensation of impending doom and emptiness, your muscles go numb, your fingers become hyper-sensitive, the room begins to spin, you shrink in size and it usually ended with some sort of audio hallucianation,as if someone was screaming or whispering into your ear. Creepy as fuck. I sometimes get to experience all this even today when I go to sleep really worried or streesed out about something.
You never felt this way? I know many people who have when they were little. It's pretty normal actually The brain produces some sort of chemical, which causes this state, at least that's the explanation I've heard
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