the hate thread

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I also really loathe when I download shit online and people label songs or bands incorrectly. When I'm downloading some Lucifugum, I don't want it classified as blues. No thank you.
Or even when some files are named incorrectly. I downloaded some Gorod from soulseek back in the day and what I got was an Iron Maiden track.

I also dislike that this winter is so lame... I'm in the Northeast. Snowy winters are my favorite. It's barely dipped below 30 during the day all winter. It sucks.
Global warming. Indian winter's felt like a hot summer this year. I wonder what the coming season has in store for us. Last year's peak was 119F. :ill:
Or even when some files are named incorrectly. I downloaded some Gorod from soulseek back in the day and what I got was an Iron Maiden track.

Global warming. Indian winter's felt like a hot summer this year. I wonder what the coming season has in store for us. Last year's peak was 119F. :ill:
Yeah, I remember thinking what a prosperous autumn hath been bestowed upon us, but behold this winter doth not bring it's mighty winds of frost upon this land :)
I hear it's El Nino... So... Less freak-out worthy, I guess. I bet Al Gore is giggling in a corner.

I really dislike when kids cake on corpse paint when they go to a show. All I need is a big white smear all over one of my black shirts. Besides, doesn't it get really uncomfortable? Whenever I go to a show, I always get hot really quickly. Imagine what it's with in the pit with all of that make up.
I hate that the power went down all across Victoria for 4 fucking hours today while it was 42°C. Bring on winter, I'm well over this summer.
At first I read this at 42 degrees F and I thought "That isn't so bad. Just put on a sweatshirt and a few blankets and you'll be fine." Then I noticed it was Celcius, did some arithmetic and my eyes bugged out.:zombie:
good riddance

Well you would say that of course. :rolleyes:

At first I read this at 42 degrees F and I thought "That isn't so bad. Just put on a sweatshirt and a few blankets and you'll be fine." Then I noticed it was Celcius, did some arithmetic and my eyes bugged out.:zombie:

Yeah I know. 107.6°F without so much as a fan to cool you down is no fun at all. Apparently bushfires burned through the main power link from New South Wales yesterday.

I also hate that the minimum temp last night was about 27°C (80°F). Fucking impossible to sleep.
the high temp for here tomorrow is 22 degrees F

and it has been unseasonably warm here this winter, this is one of the first times it has been this cold.
I hate emo pseudo punk vocals or when you get some dude screaming cooly in a song and then there will be some guy with this nasally voice and there will be dozens of songs like this and it will drive me completely absolutely insane with rage.
Or if their is a band that is not so bad but they make each and every song sound ALIKE! So you can't even like the band because all of their songs are exactly alike and therefore boring.
Also, it is annoying when folks diss a band I like having only heard one or two songs by them and not all of them.
I can't even think of bands i DESPISE, they just annoy me sometimes.
I hate it when people diss my metal music but then go on watching their My Chemical Romance crap on tv.
They are one of those bands that sing in that tone of voice.
I normally don't pay any attention to these pussy bands that people label as metal anymore (like trivium, my bloody valentine, lamb of god, etc etc), but that band (my chemical romance) really got under my skin... just the look of that singer on my tv screen, bleating some crap like "I'm not afraid to rock the world", just really got me pissed... hah, reminds me of my younger days, when i'd let every single piece of shit that came along (pantera, especially!) get me upset! :lol:
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