the hate thread

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I hate that I through out like 8 songs. I think it was for the better and am just going to write from scratch making new ones.

Anyone do this ?
I hate that the power went down all across Victoria for 4 fucking hours today while it was 42°C. Bring on winter, I'm well over this summer.
he plays bass...


that is why he was banned!

If he was banned I am guessing this is why

"General Metal Discussion"

1. Never discussed metal music
2. Spams the board with sport pictures
3. Starts shit when he's high(which is all the time).
4. Makes huge rant posts






thank god
I reckon his sweeping generalisations, bullshit arguments and insistance on constantly discussing non-metal tipped him into the ban books. I bet if he laid off the crystal meth he'd be alright.
Indeed. Even worse when they're not reseeded for ages to come. :ill:

Too true.

I also really loathe when I download shit online and people label songs or bands incorrectly. When I'm downloading some Lucifugum, I don't want it classified as blues. No thank you.

I also dislike that this winter is so lame... I'm in the Northeast. Snowy winters are my favorite. It's barely dipped below 30 during the day all winter. It sucks.
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