the hate thread

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I hate the dickhead that sent me a money order when I clearly said only cash or paypal. I hate money orders!
gajillion :erk:

I agree, of course there are aliens. There are countless well documented cases on the internet of abductions, sightings, and the aliens always are described in the same exact way... There are several documentaries which try to make sense of alien spacecraft seen on NASA videos, and even the famous astronaut 'Buzz' Aldrin has admitted to seeing UFO's first hand while on space missions

They may be closer than you think...

dun dun dun!!!!!


sorry,I had to.
:lol:.... good album

I want to see an alien myself. Until then aliens are bullshit!

Fuck the men in black. come get me you fucks!
Haha, I remember seeing a video on youtube where some kids are playing soccer and suddenly an alien comes out of nowhere and grabs one of them, and then they run away... I'll try to find it and post it here...
I hate that my opeth -deliverance cd skips on wreath and deliverance really bad. There is like one little scratch.
I hate one of the persons on another board who was annoyed because I said the bermuda triangle was bullshit!. what a jackass
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