the hate thread

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Wow... things I hate... I've kept such a long list for such a long time, lets highlight some...

I hate ignorant people
I hate people who mosh to bands I want to listen to
I hate that feeling when youre in the front of a concert and hundreds of sweaty dudes are pushing on your ass
I hate dogs that could be cats
I hate people who say chill and arent talking a bout temperature
I hate people who are only intelligent enough to talk about how much they drink or smoke
I hate going to concerts that my girlfriend drags me to
I hate getting presents that fucking suck and having to keep them because you see the person who gave it to you every day
I hate having my phone ring every two seconds with a new text message
I hate bands with not enough members to be a metal band
I hate bands that think they are metal but dont have a fucking clue
I hate people who say rap is music, it may be poetry but its not music
I hate Ben Stiller and his unfunny slapstick bullshit
I hate dating someone for so long that you feel completely stuck
I hate people who think LOTR is better than the original Star Wars
I hate AIM and YAHOO and all those bullshit chatting things
I hate myspace and facebook and really anything that has to do with talking to people
I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hate bands that paint their faces or wear masks and pretend they are scary(besides gwar and king diamond)
thats the abbreviated version
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