I hate when I hear cheesy 80's pop and kinda like it.
I hate when I hear a country/pop female singer and don't mind it.
I hate when I hear cheesy 80's pop and kinda like it.
I hate that I like that new coldplay song.
I love this and it's the greatest thing on the internet.
Which of the two is better, and which sound more like GR? I Like the sound and the feel of GR his vocals just don't cut it.
I don't like Opeth. That is because of the clean vocals and some ballads. Not my cup of tea.
I assume you listen to Dimmu Borgir cause of your sig, so I am assuming you like "Vortex" or whatever's operatic vocals... but yet you don't like the clean vocals in Opeth
I assume you listen to Dimmu Borgir cause of your sig, so I am assuming you like "Vortex" or whatever's operatic vocals... but yet you don't like the clean vocals in Opeth
Clean vocals for me are really hit or miss. Ive found that I only like the sad mournful vocals, like in Hypocrisy or Urfaust. I really hate the falsetto voice used by many metal bands like Into Eternityyuk: )
I enjoy almost all clean vocals in metal assuming the guy/chick is a decent singer (metalcore clean singing is awful)
My favourite albums are EDT and SBD and there are no clean vocals on them, well excluding two songs from SBD. So you see, clean vocals in Dimmu Borgir are not the most important thing for me.
Fuck you BTW! You pissed me off.Ignorance is fucking bliss.
Wow...that's fucking amazing. I cannot believe some of you do not like bands because they actually sing great, using a normal voice. You people are fucking pathetic.
ohio grinder was complaining about that
prog rock singing is awesome (yes evil? I said it. Prog prog prog prog prog prog prog, sue me)