the hate thread

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mostly forward, some D. but not ice, roller. not that it makes a difference.

lol roller hockey is a little more brutal, it's not as forgiving as ice. I wanted to play hockey when I was younger but Indy isn't big on it. We have a minor league hockey team called the Indianapolis Ice...original I know. I saw a badass fight right infront of me. Great game.
Redundancy is the unnecessary use of either needless, tautological, pleonastic or superfluous text, by which one repeats, in duplication, the same, identical, aforesaid things over and over again, beyond what would be needed or required to explain, or make comprehensible, the intended or signified meaning of that which one wishes to convey. Customarily, it is usually common in redundancy to repeat, sometimes with different phrasing or words, the same idea or reasoning, thus restating one's thoughts, sometimes paraphrasing oneself and effectively saying the same thing twice, or double.

I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.
There aren't enough words in the english language- hell, the entire lexicon of languages the world over- to describe how incredibly wrong this is. Not only is it wrong in that it is ignorant but in that it is so incredibly incorrect on a factual level. Holy fucking God, how stupid can a human being get? In my life I've encountered people who have been unintelligent, yes- I've encounted my share of people who suffered from mental disabilities. People with downs syndrome, autism, and so on. However, I have never once encounted somehow so stupid as to be capable of thinking something so unbelievably off-base. I didn't even think it possible that anyone in our plain of existence could ever even have the capacity for this level of idiocy.

I like your style.

Go Yankees.

I'm not gay. If a dude came up to me and wanted to get busy, I'd decline right away.

"Hey, you wanna-"
"No, Mr. Gates... No, that's ok,"

However, if Derek asked I'd think about it for a second. I'd still say no, but it would no be an immediate answer.

"Hey, you wanna... you know?"
"Uh.. Hmm. Thanks, Derek, but no."

Laura Posada: Hottest of all baseball wives.
Laura Posada: Hottest of all baseball wives.



baseball is one of the most fascinating games and one of the greatest things ever invented by mankind. The only people who don't enjoy baseball are those who think the only purpose of sports is to provide instant gratification (IE monster hits in football)

the intricacies of baseball is what make the game as intensely fascinating as it is. It's the late inning double switch, it's the decision of the manager as whether or not he will bring in his closer in the 8th or 9th inning

I love following games pitch by pitch, trying to figure out what pitch he just threw, why he threw it there, what pitch he will throw next. I also follow the hitter at the plate, IE is he opening up way too early, is his timing off

baseball is one of the most fascinating games ever but you have to have a deep understanding and appreciation of the game's greatness to be able to enjoy it
baseball is one of the most fascinating games and one of the greatest things ever invented by mankind. The only people who don't enjoy baseball are those who think the only purpose of sports is to provide instant gratification (IE monster hits in football)

the intricacies of baseball is what make the game as intensely fascinating as it is. It's the late inning double switch, it's the decision of the manager as whether or not he will bring in his closer in the 8th or 9th inning

I love following games pitch by pitch, trying to figure out what pitch he just threw, why he threw it there, what pitch he will throw next. I also follow the hitter at the plate, IE is he opening up way too early, is his timing off

baseball is one of the most fascinating games ever but you have to have a deep understanding and appreciation of the game's greatness to be able to enjoy it

I guess you're right, but how do you explain the fact that most sports period don't interest me in the slightest? I'm not doggin' on people who like sports (everyone is entitled to their opinion), but I never got the lure of "jock" stuff.
I don't know for other people, personally it's a huge adrenaline rush for me to see the world's greatest athletes battling each other to determine who is truly superior

it's also alot of fun to cheer on your favorite team, fantasy sports make the game more enjoyable as well.

in the end, if you understand the mechanics of the game, the game becomes very clear and very entertaining
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