the hate thread

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I hate getting drunk.Apart from the accompanying short euphoric feeling and the sensation that you're on a fucking merry-go round with the world around you nothing but a blurry mishmash of faces and lights and nothing else matters, it's just not worth it. My body simply can't handle large portions of alcohol. A glass and a half of wine is capable of sending me afloat. Three and more and I'm already struggling to contain the eruption of everything that I've eaten to that point. My couch still reminds me of all that I've had at the last New Year celebration-an ugly stain with a disgustingly sweet smell: the remains of indigested mushrooms and tuna soaked in champagne and stomach juice. I've tried everything to eradicate the foul odor but almost a month and a half have passed since and the smell still hasn't evaporated. Oh, well. The lesson I've extracted from this shameful event-to reserve my binge drinking only for select family/friends festivities. And not to vomit where I put my face.
Also I have absolutely no idea why I decided to share this with you. Boredom, I guess.
isn't that more gothic than emo??

I guess so. idk,I can't even think of doing something like that,I'd rather punch walls and attack who hurt me,but anyway,it's done and overwith now.

am I going to games,I'll try to get to alot,try to get a job with the Phillies training staff to intern with the athletic trainer. First I need to get certified,and I hate not finding when and where to get certified.
Most of my family is going into Boston today and spending shitloads of money at the Proshop getting random sox stuff and jerseys of that new asian pitcher (I know his name, but I am not even going to attempt to spell it; initials DM) just for the hell of it, then going out to eat.

I wish I could go.
baseball fans, you guys going to any games??

I'm not really sure yet

I'm a partial season ticket holder. I used to get the Flex plans, where you get a number of random games (you select game you want, and they try to give them to you, but there's no gaurantee), but it was too much of a pain in the ass to get to all of them, living three hours from the stadium and all. Last year I got a saturdays plan, where you get tickets to every saturday homegame and the same seats everytime. Other people had the same plan and were in the same section, so a lot of us got to know each other over the course of the season. I got the Saturdays plan again this year.

I sit in the bleachers, by the way- best seats in the house. The only negative is that the bleachers are dry (no booze). I'll be 21 this april, so that will bother me. However, my brother (who lives in NYC) got his own Flex plan with Tier seats, so I'll go to some games with him so I can drink.
Most of my family is going into Boston today and spending shitloads of money at the Proshop getting random sox stuff and jerseys of that new asian pitcher (I know his name, but I am not even going to attempt to spell it; initials DM) just for the hell of it, then going out to eat.

I wish I could go.

Daisuke Matzusaka.

Chien-Ming Wang > Daisuke Matzusaka.
I hate high prices that prevent me from buying CDs I want. :mad:

I also hate that I don't have a job nor a vehicle and cannot go out and do things without pestering my family for a ride. :erk:

yeah,same,except for the job part,but my job sucks now.

The best thing to do is apply everywhere.
Hey Nikkie I saw on the news that there was some woman going around sucking kids dicks and giving them AIDS in Upper Darby.

Tell your town to get it's shit together. The worst thing that ever happened here in New Hope was when a bunch of high school kids were going to fight once but they ended up just posturing and talking trash. Or the time one of my classmates put a bunch of hidden swastikas on his senior page.
Hey Nikkie I saw on the news that there was some woman going around sucking kids dicks and giving them AIDS in Upper Darby.

Tell your town to get it's shit together. The worst thing that ever happened here in New Hope was when a bunch of high school kids were going to fight once but they ended up just posturing and talking trash. Or the time one of my classmates put a bunch of hidden swastikas on his senior page.

Oh god,that's gross. I knew my town was fucked up,but wow.

Chitwood has alot of work to do here,heh
I hate high prices that prevent me from buying CDs I want. :mad:

I also hate that I don't have a job nor a vehicle and cannot go out and do things without pestering my family for a ride. :erk:

at least you have family members willing to take you shows and shit. I ask my parents and they always give me that "we're too busy" excuse.
I hate browsing record stores when there's fucking Fall Out Boy befouling my ears. That and the Newton Newbury Comics doesn't have a separate metal section anymore, its been re-integrated with Rock & Pop.
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