the hate thread

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I hate people who say "metal head". It should be said like so : "metalhead". Neg rep to anyone who disobeys this decree.
I hate this one girl who is in my improv class. I know this sounds childish, but I really fucking do.

I take an Improv class which meets for four hours every Thursday. We've been meeting for five week's, and this girl just does not fucking get it. There are other people in the class who aren't very good, but they're learning and are making great strides. I, myself, am new to Improv as well, but I'm actually pretty good at it. Now, I'm not just saying that- I don't normally pat myself on the back about things like that, but most of my improvs are met with postive reactions from the rest of the class, compliments from the more experienced people (it's a split class. Improv 1 and 2. The Improv 2 people just stay later and go tougher exercises when we leave), as well as positive comments from the instructor.

Now, this girl- we'll call her "Dumb Bitch", or DB- hasn't learned a single thing or improved one iota. She stops to think about what she's going to do / say, she goes for jokes and non-sequitors, she giggles after every fucking thing she says that's supposed to be funny (which it never is), she screws over whoever she's performing with by negating assumptions and failing to "feed' her partner anything constructive. Improv, believe it or not, is pretty complex.

You can't stop and think about things. It has to be organic and it has to seem real to the audience. She precedes every line or action with "uhhh hmmm" (then gets "ohh! I know! I'll do a sex joke!" look on her face). You can;t just go up there and try to write jokes. The audience can tell when you do that, and they don't like it. The goal of improv is to create a scene, to develop the characters in it and tell a complete story. It is NOT to say funny shit. It just so happens that improv lends itself to comedy, and therefore humorous things happen in the pursuit of the story. DB does not understand this. Instead of helping to flesh out the characters, she would rather just say "HEY MY UNCLE CROSS DRESSES TEE HEE!". It's important to help your partner. That is, you have to say things that help develop their character, to say and do things that will give them something to say or do back that will help to further the scene. Again, DB does not grasp this concept. She ignores assumptions (meaning, if me and Dude X are in a scene, and I say "well, you've been a plumber for years!" than he's a plumber. If he says "it sure is hot here in Miami", then god damn it, we're in Miami!). Every scene she does involves her starting some sort of agument or slapstick fight, or she just asks questions the whole time. Fights and arguments are not constructive at all, and questions put too much pressure on the partner to do everything.

In other words, she pretty much ruins any scene she does by mugging and doing nothing cinstructive, even hindering the others. The instructor has reperated the same points over and over again, and everyone get's it but her. It's incredible. Her other annoying habits involve "flapper arms"- which is where she just flaps her arms up and down and slaps herself on the legs becuase she can't figure out what the fuck to do with her hands- and giggling at herself. And the non-sequitors! A non-sequitor is, essentially, the easiest way to ruin an improv.

It doesn't help that she's one of those anime freaks. It also doesn't help that she is in my Oral Interp. class as well. It's a class where you do dramatic readings of non-script material. I read a piece from a book called Mila 18. The section I read was about Poland being hung out to dry by the allies and, essentually, recieving a death sentence. She sat there- in the front row, with another little anime bitch- and giggled at all the stuff about Nazism. First of all, how does one get the nerve to laugh at something like that? Second, as someone who is also majoring in performance, she's got a lot of fucking nerve being so openly disrespectful of another performer. It's hard enough without some talentless cunt laughing it up at the line "...And the Nazi cancer spread". Since then I no longer offer any faux-respect for her work. I don't applaud anymore or offer and postive feedback.

Tl;dr version: Some bitch in my improv class really sucks for a lot of reasons and I hate her.
I'm bad at Improv, and I know it. I would never take an Improv class.

That girl reminds me of Dumb Fucker in my philosophy class. Just won't shut up and thinks he's the hottest shit on the face of the planet.
dude that fucking sucks

improv for what though?? like standup comedy??

Improv theater. If you've ever watched Who's Line Is It Anyway?, that's essentially what we do.. except not nearly as well. Those guys are unbelievable.

I have done stand-up in the past, and it was fairly well recieved. Npt incredible, but not too bad, either. It's a lot tougher than one would think. Since starting this course, I've been thinking that I'd like to be part of an Improv Troop as a profession, though what I really want to do is start / perform in a sketch comedy show. Like Monty Pythons Flying Circus or The Upright Citizens Brigade.
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