the hate thread

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Some guy at Rhino Records yesterday thought I was a college student. Of course, the fact that this record store is in a college community shopping area might've contributed to that. :rolleyes:

I hate that basically all the kids at my school are "kids". It seems that at public schools there are teens who come off as adults by physicality and mentality, but there is NO ONE like that at my school. :erk:

I also hate that I can barely hear the drums on Transilvanian Hunger, though it doesn't really matter because most of the songs have the same blast-beating tempo.
I also hate that I can barely hear the drums on Transilvanian Hunger, though it doesn't really matter because most of the songs have the same blast-beating tempo.

thats part of the album's charm, that all the instruments cease to exist and are just blended into one another in a forward moving squall of sound.
thats part of the album's charm, that all the instruments cease to exist and are just blended into one another in a forward moving squall of sound.

Hell yes. :kickass:

Listening to it reminded me of the first time I tried real black metal through Emperor's "In the Nightside Eclipse". At the time, the only black metal I'd tried was Dimmu Borgir's "Death Cult Armageddon" and I was totally unprepared for the low-end production. I didn't like it much after I listened to it the first time, but I kept coming back to it for the beautifully haunting keyboard melodies. It made me appreciate shitty production in black metal and, in turn, helped me get into non-ambient black metal like Darkthrone, Mayhem, Burzum, Immortal, etc.

Also, this album actually frightened me when I was listening to it at midnight. I kept imagining some disembodied hand reaching out to my face to rip it off. Now THAT'S metal. :heh:
Hell yes. :kickass:

Listening to it reminded me of the first time I tried real black metal through Emperor's "In the Nightside Eclipse". At the time, the only black metal I'd tried was Dimmu Borgir's "Death Cult Armageddon" and I was totally unprepared for the low-end production. I didn't like it much after I listened to it the first time, but I kept coming back to it for the beautifully haunting keyboard melodies. It made me appreciate shitty production in black metal and, in turn, helped me get into non-ambient black metal like Darkthrone, Mayhem, Burzum, Immortal, etc.

Also, this album actually frightened me when I was listening to it at midnight. I kept imagining some disembodied hand reaching out to my face to rip it off. Now THAT'S metal. :heh:

I wouldn't consider Burzum or Dakthone to be non-ambient, but I get your drift.

I hate:

rich white kids who try to act gangster and resite (spelling) rap lyrics in school, wear tupac/50 cent shirts, and smoke pot.
MTV, advertising themselves as MUSIC TELEVISION, but only 30 minutes a day is actual music, and the rest is just random stupid shit. and they only dedicate 2 hours a week to metal, on their SECONDARY network station.
when my dad is a fucking idiot (most the time)
school dances.
When people tell me i need to get my hair cut.
killswitch engage and metalcore.
hardcore kids who 2 step to metal bands at gigs.
scene people who have the rainbow on their head.
people who ask stupid questions.
trendy people who go to starbucks because its "HIP" to walk around with a starbucks cup at school, and not even going there because they need the caffeine.
people who sue other people for stupid shit and win millions.
people who believe the 9/11 conspiracy theory (rifk how dumb do people get, honestly.)

there are plenty more, but ill keep it at that.
I hate:

rich white kids who try to act gangster and resite (spelling) rap lyrics in school, wear tupac/50 cent shirts, and smoke pot.
MTV, advertising themselves as MUSIC TELEVISION, but only 30 minutes a day is actual music, and the rest is just random stupid shit. and they only dedicate 2 hours a week to metal, on their SECONDARY network station.
when my dad is a fucking idiot (most the time)
school dances.
When people tell me i need to get my hair cut.
killswitch engage and metalcore.
hardcore kids who 2 step to metal bands at gigs.
scene people who have the rainbow on their head.
people who ask stupid questions.
trendy people who go to starbucks because its "HIP" to walk around with a starbucks cup at school, and not even going there because they need the caffeine.
people who sue other people for stupid shit and win millions.
people who believe the 9/11 conspiracy theory (rifk how dumb do people get, honestly.)

there are plenty more, but ill keep it at that.

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