the hate thread

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ender7227 said:
Homophobia combined with a double standard. Congratulations.
What? I'm not homophobic. Fact is dick in guy's ass=teh nasty.... hot girls tongue in hot girls cunt=teh hot.
ender7227 said:
^Depends on the person, although I find lesbains to be kinda hot. Much better in real life than in porn.

For the second time on this thread, I hate porn.
Well of course it goes without saying that it's better in real life than in porn but you take what you can get! :lol:
I second with The Greys on taxes. I pay over £1500 per month in fucking taxes and national insurance - which means that:

1) I pay for the fucking dole scum to sit around with out working (my town has the lowest incidence of unemployment (2%) in the nation - and yet the fucking criminals get away with being "unable" to work (yet they can burgle houses pretty good. I wish this fucking lame government would stop their benefits)

2) Despite paying a fucking packet in national insurance, I can't get registered with a dentist, and the doctors have a 2 week wait for a regular appointment, by which time any ailment I have ever had is likely to have cured itself, or I'll be dead. The local (35 miles away) hospital is having wards closed, including the maternity ward, meaning that when mini-Carcassian no.2 is due in October, I'll have a 60 mile trip to get to the nearest maternity ward.

3) That I routinely have to work 60+ hour weeks to pay the fucking mortgage, and consequently I'm fucking tired and grouchy all the time.

I wouldn't mind if they used the taxes in a productive fashion, but they don't. Fuck this, I want a dictatorship and I want it now.
Carcassian said:
1) I pay for the fucking dole scum to sit around with out working (my town has the lowest incidence of unemployment (2%) in the nation - and yet the fucking criminals get away with being "unable" to work (yet they can burgle houses pretty good. I wish this fucking lame government would stop their benefits)
My mom is disabled, but she doesn't sit around on her ass, nor does she burgle houses. Way to generalize. however, I'm sure things are different in England.
I wasn't generalising.

Dolescum = people that can work, but can't. People that are disabled are on incapacity benefit rather than the "dole" or to give it its true term, "Jobseekers Allowance".

We have the nations largest food industry factories and massive industrialsed farms. Most of the jobs entail such difficult tasks as "stirring vats of soup" and "putting the lids on Coleslaw pots". These aren't difficult tasks.

So in summary:

a) I wasn't generalising. I was talking about something I know a wee bit about.

b) I know which dolescum burgle houses. Virtually none of our criminals work, and almost all of them receive state benefits, which I find morally reprehensible.
Leeches will always win out of the shit system in place. Those who work hard get penalised for it...bullshit
Nemesis_lxix said:
Sometimes its up to us to change the system or at least try to.
Complaining about it with out doing something leads to nowhere.

True, but while i complain, I really am happy with how Australia is goin atm, i just get pissed off that people who do the right thing, work hard, pay their taxes, repeadedly get fucked up the ass
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