The Horror Movie thread

They are probably using a tweaked Rage-engine, thats not what takes time these days, its building content/worlds. I wouldnt hold my breath.
Rage is looking pretty damn awesome though, would be a good enough reason to upgrade. ;)

edit: Oh fuck, I just realized Rage will be released September, NEXT YEAR. :lol:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :erk:

I knew DOOM would be released before Rage but I didn't know Rage will be released in september 2011 :erk:

as far as I know, DOOM4's engine was created separated from RAGE's engine... and think that ID has a whole department creating platforms while they create the engine, google Tim Willits and you'll see :)
“The Doom team are all sped up and working on this technology base – I’m not really at liberty to discuss much about it, but it’s going full steam ahead right now." He adds: “It shouldn’t take as long to ship as Rage. It’s already in the pipeline and we feel good about it.”

Is that what you are reffering to? I didnt really know that.
Im not sure what that means though since Rage was started before Doom4... but hopefully pretty soon then. :)
didn't know you were that involved in fear dusty, cool! the ladder scene is easily one of the very best scares in the whole games, you have a right to be proud!

With that game, I was. It was a pretty small team and the crunches were brutal. Honestly, the fact that that game looked and played as well as it did for that year was kind of amazing, especially because of the new tech.

By the time FEAR 2 had rolled around, they had done mass layoffs to most of the Matrix Online (lol) team, so the people that ended up making FEAR 2 were essentially leftovers from the MxO team, some people from the first FEAR team, and then later in the project they rolled the entire company back into the team get it shipped (so the rest of the original FEAR team and the Condemned team). So that just made for a huge, bloated team...and too many cooks in the kitchen.

And it also made little artists like me just artists rather than potential idea people. ;) Which was fine, but it wasn't as fun to work on, that's for sure.
thats super cool dusty, i heard fear 2 wasnt as good, but fear 1 was a masterpiece, ill probably play 2 through eventually and i still expect to enjoy it :)

BSOG, i played doom 1 and 2 to death :), but yeah 3 wasnt my favorite but i guess i did make it out to be worse than i meant it too, its still a good game and i had a lot of fun playing through it
DOOM 3 is one of the best games ever, period :heh: I've heard lots of people here saying that it wasn't scary enough and things like that, did they even play the old DOOM games?! DOOM has never been about "scaryness" but "evilness"!!!! and in that field DOOM 3 is perfect! also, IDsoftware said DOOM 4 will be closer to DOOM II than DOOM 3 so yeah, spect even less scary stuff, haters :p I'm more than ok with pentagrams, blood, demons and of course, the marine :blush: I really hope they don't name the marine tho, for quake 4 it was ok, the game demanded a name but for doom, naaaah, nameless marine gives kudos to the heroe character :)

When doom 1 came out it was considered scary actually. Those bad controls (before mouse support) and the sounds of Pinky and the maze areas were all scary at the time because before doom there was only Wolfenstein which was not trying to be scary with it's bad graphics.

I loved Doom 3 as well, and I found it to be one of the scariest games I've ever played, much scarier than Dead Space or FEAR (both of which I got bored and started aiming at jump out spots BEFORE the scares even happened. Dead Space was especially predictable). Doom 3 may have had lots of black and machinery but that's why it was scary, it was claustrophobic and dark as shit, and with all the grates and pipes and shit I was constantly investigating. After the first encounter with the imp I started looking on the other side of grates I was walking on in fear something would grab my legs. Also the first encounter with Pinky freaked me out because you have such a small amount of space and those things are hard to kill at the time.

Although the game did lose that scariness after you got used to it, the first half was great. The best horror games are the ones that make it hard for you to fight back, after you get better guns it loses that.

didn't know you were that involved in fear dusty, cool! the ladder scene is easily one of the very best scares in the whole games, you have a right to be proud!

Don't you remember the awesome pics Dusty posted? It was a proper Bloodbath tribute, they covered themselves in fake blood. I had a big article about the making of the blood effects but I can't find it now. :(

“The Doom team are all sped up and working on this technology base – I’m not really at liberty to discuss much about it, but it’s going full steam ahead right now." He adds: “It shouldn’t take as long to ship as Rage. It’s already in the pipeline and we feel good about it.”

Is that what you are reffering to? I didnt really know that.
Im not sure what that means though since Rage was started before Doom4... but hopefully pretty soon then. :)

I'm pretty sure they just mean Doom 4 won't take as long as Rage did, but it will still be shipped after. It's using the same engine (tech 5) but I don't think it'll actually be out before Rage, they have not even started to uncover screenshots yet. It's cool that ID software/Bethesda are working together now though and keeping the game engines in house only.
I loved Doom 3 as well, and I found it to be one of the scariest games I've ever played, much scarier than Dead Space or FEAR (both of which I got bored and started aiming at jump out spots BEFORE the scares even happened. Dead Space was especially predictable).

Although the game did lose that scariness after you got used to it, the first half was great. The best horror games are the ones that make it hard for you to fight back, after you get better guns it loses that.

Don't you remember the awesome pics Dusty posted? It was a proper Bloodbath tribute, they covered themselves in fake blood. I had a big article about the making of the blood effects but I can't find it now. :(

funny, that's exactly what i started doing in doom 3 :lol:

nah, when i played through silent hill 2, i never had any problems killing the enemies. but the fear... :zombie: those games fuck you up seriously

i remember that he was involved in the making, but i thought he only did art :)
lol this thread is awesome :D, and only 11 pages of great conversation :)

ill still buy Doom 4 first day when it comes out

im pumped for marvel vs capcom 3 (totally off topic.......everyone gets one right? :lol:)

also i forgot how AWESOME hellraiser was until i rewatched it a few months back, pinheads voice was badass " tears is a WASTE OF GOOD SUFFERING!!!""
to me hellraiser I and II are amazing... all the other hellraiser movies are from boring to really bad, sadly. Also, great amount of legendary quotes on the first two, being the best this one of course :D

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and yeah, both are excellent! i liked 2 a little less, i didnt like how now they were now just from hell, imo it was better when they were travelers of the dimensions or something, "angels to some, demons to others"
also i forgot how AWESOME hellraiser was until i rewatched it a few months back, pinheads voice was badass " tears is a WASTE OF GOOD SUFFERING!!!""

haha, that's probably my favorite quote from the Hellraiser movies. Pinhead has a really cool voice, too bad the actor does so much work for Cradle of Filth, that band is too gay for his badass voice.

I'm actually kind of ashamed to say I have not seen all the Hellraiser movies, I stopped following it after 4 I think. I've heard basically nothing but negative things about the later Hellraiser movies and even the 4th was getting bad. Normally a little bit (or a lot) of cheesiness wouldn't stop me from seeing a horror movie

Edit: Oh no now it's 2001 posts:(