The Horror Movie thread

as a non-american, i fail to understand the spring break thingy in all those movies :p

well i dunno about you, but we all get a week off near the start of march every year, we call it march break up here, but its spring break down south.

technically its supposed to be a "reading week" for university, but most people use it to drink and party hahaha

so to a certain extent it is true
well i dunno about you, but we all get a week off near the start of march every year, we call it march break up here, but its spring break down south.

technically its supposed to be a "reading week" for university, but most people use it to drink and party hahaha

so to a certain extent it is true

haha, ok :D

Yay drunk american stupid girls at the beach can be a LOT of fun:kickass:...but those days are long gone...:rolleyes:

:lol: pwnd by age and relationships
Just saw a trailer for a movie called "Priest" that looks interesting. This isn't really a true horror from what I can see but it sort of counts. Could it be a movie about Vampires that are not gay as fuck? It's about damn time! I'm sick to death of this awful chick appeal "vampire" fad in movies/shows.

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Just saw a trailer for a movie called "Priest" that looks interesting. This isn't really a true horror from what I can see but it sort of counts. Could it be a movie about Vampires that are not gay as fuck? It's about damn time! I'm sick to death of this awful chick appeal "vampire" fad in movies/shows.


Wth is this?

True Blood/Underworld/Alien/The Da Vinci Code/Star Wars/Mad Max/Clint Eastwood ripoff? :D

i think we might have to wait a bit longer for a good vampire movie.....just wait until this fad dies down, then gets spoofed (already happening :D), then gets lame, then there should hopefully be a nice resurfacing :D:D:D
Yup, Inside and Martyrs are pretty much the two best extreme horror movies to come out in a decade. There problem with a lot of the really brutal extreme horror is that a lot of time there is no substance, just lots of torture (example: Murder Set Pieces) and there's really no reason to watch a movie like that if you can't even get emotionally invested in the characters.

These two manage to be brutal but also damn good at the same time.