The Horror Movie thread

Yeah I got up to that point before I stopped it. Actually I liked her powers, I just hated the army of super powered clones because it makes her seem insignificant. In my opinion the end of Extinction where they revealed the clones was the actual problem. That part should not have existed, and the story should have continued normally instead of having such a stupid beginning in Afterlife. It was just dumb and it lead into a very fake special effects extravaganza for an intro.
Zombies are actually kind of lame. I used to hate them because they are completely pathetic and non-threatening compared to basically every other movie creature/villain. They grew on me a bit thanks to a few above average zombie movies. I'd still rather see just about any other threat on screen than zombies if I had the option though.

That's the beauty of zombies, though. They are nonthreatening in the sense that you can just run past them if they are in small numbers...but their inevitability to overwhelm pretty much everyone is what creates the dread.

I know what you mean, though. What I hate are "zombie fans", that talk about zombie this, zombie that, but when you ask them what they thought about basic viewing material they stare at you like they are looking into the dead lights. It's the same kind of annoyance I have with Army of Darkness fans. Everything is Groovy this and Boomstick that, but then they've never seen Evil Dead 1, which is easily the best in the series.

My favorite types of zombie movies are those that don't start from a virus....stuff like the Beyond where it's more like the bowels of hell are being released upon the planet in walking dead form. That's the dark and evil shit that I like.
Yeah I got up to that point before I stopped it. Actually I liked her powers, I just hated the army of super powered clones because it makes her seem insignificant. In my opinion the end of Extinction where they revealed the clones was the actual problem. That part should not have existed, and the story should have continued normally instead of having such a stupid beginning in Afterlife. It was just dumb and it lead into a very fake special effects extravaganza for an intro.

yeah i was glad they got rid of her powers/the army

the rest is pretty good actually, and yeah the ending to 3 was shit, so were her weird fire controlling powers

however sir, i would fight you to the death over the quality of RE2, now that movie was absolutely beyond stupid, 2 girls running around in mini skirts and high heels (has no place here). it felt incredibly cheap, i hate when i feel like im being sold sex just to cover up a bad movie

and when they ran through the graveyard during a zombie outbreak? fuck come on.......but then there were no zombies :p, the only redeeming factor it had was it had a decent nemesis

i just wanted to rant really. its rare i actually feel cheated of time
Everything is Groovy this and Boomstick that

:lol: :lol: Well put. I say groovy sometimes but usually it's a Duke Nukem reference (even though he is inspired by Ash)

however sir, i would fight you to the death over the quality of RE2, now that movie was absolutely beyond stupid, 2 girls running around in mini skirts and high heels (has no place here). it felt incredibly cheap, i hate when i feel like im being sold sex just to cover up a bad movie

No need for a battle to the death, I agree. I didn't care for RE2 much except for Nemesis being in it. I didn't even like the first one, the only one so far I thought was okay was Extinction, and I'd still only give it maybe 6.5/10

The trailer looked good.

Can you be the one who will answer my question?

Is the movie Splice any good?

Splice was pretty decent but it wasn't quite what I was hoping for overall. For some reason I thought it was going to have a lot of suspense, but it was actually a fairly boring movie with a few good parts. I guess I'd still recommend it though, the creature does get pretty bad ass towards the end. I'm a sucker for monsters in movies though, the deadlier the better.

On that note I'm ALWAYS on the lookout for a cool monster movie so if anyone has one name it off!
I saw a movie called The Burrowers recently and I fucking loved it. It takes place in the old American West and it's about these monsters that burrow underground and suck people blood at night. It's got some of the best cinematography I've seen in a horror in a long time, it's almost epic. The monsters also get a decent amount of screen time too without going overboard.

It got a shitty IMDB rating (5.8) but that's means nothing with horror movies, I really liked it. It was well acted and everything.

Another monster flick I saw recently was called "Unearthed" which is about some kind of alien that kills people and collects their DNA. That one wasn't so great (actually it was pretty bad) but again I'm a sucker for a cool creature, even if the movie isn't exactly good.

And my third and final movie to report is a movie called Splinter. It's about a fungus basically that takes over peoples/animals bodies on a instinctual level. It's got some pretty sweet cringe scenes in it, and once you get pricked by this weird fungus thing it uses your whole body as a weapon essentially, the people are essentially dead and they'll use their own face as a weapon because they have no sense left. Even a severed hand becomes alive once it's infected. I was amused by the movie.
I saw a movie called The Burrowers recently and I fucking loved it. It takes place in the old American West and it's about these monsters that burrow underground and suck people blood at night. It's got some of the best cinematography I've seen in a horror in a long time, it's almost epic. The monsters also get a decent amount of screen time too without going overboard.

It got a shitty IMDB rating (5.8) but that's means nothing with horror movies, I really liked it. It was well acted and everything.

Another monster flick I saw recently was called "Unearthed" which is about some kind of alien that kills people and collects their DNA. That one wasn't so great (actually it was pretty bad) but again I'm a sucker for a cool creature, even if the movie isn't exactly good.

And my third and final movie to report is a movie called Splinter. It's about a fungus basically that takes over peoples/animals bodies on a instinctual level. It's got some pretty sweet cringe scenes in it, and once you get pricked by this weird fungus thing it uses your whole body as a weapon essentially, the people are essentially dead and they'll use their own face as a weapon because they have no sense left. Even a severed hand becomes alive once it's infected. I was amused by the movie.

Downloading everything besides Unearthed which seams too bad to watch haha.
No need for a battle to the death, I agree. I didn't care for RE2 much except for Nemesis being in it. I didn't even like the first one, the only one so far I thought was okay was Extinction, and I'd still only give it maybe 6.5/10

:lol: very fair, i just love to rant about shit movies

i think i really liked the first one because of the nostalgia i have for it, it was one of my first horror movies (perhaps embarassingly enough :p)
^lol women

jk, im gonna watch burrowers soon, and pandorum, saw a trailer looked decent, dont know if it'll be good or not though

saw devil last was decent, i am completely neutral about it actually