The Horror Movie thread

Splice was decent at best, I wouldn't say complete shit though. Maybe like a 5.5/10 on my scale.

jk, im gonna watch burrowers soon, and pandorum, saw a trailer looked decent, dont know if it'll be good or not though

Pandorum was shit.

Pandorum started out really cool, I loved how claustrophobic it was, but about halfway through the movie lost all footing and turned into a third rate action movie. They definitely could have done so much more with it. I was really disappointed that they took such a stupid direction because the beginning gave me high hopes. The first time I watched it I didn't think it was too bad but the second time I thought it was shit. As usual I agree with Dusty there
Pandorum started out really cool, I loved how claustrophobic it was, but about halfway through the movie lost all footing and turned into a third rate action movie. They definitely could have done so much more with it. I was really disappointed that they took such a stupid direction because the beginning gave me high hopes. The first time I watched it I didn't think it was too bad but the second time I thought it was shit. As usual I agree with Dusty there

Dude, Pandorum really fucking pissed me off. I thought it was going be this creepy, evil spaceship movie like Event Horizon/Dead Space kind of vibe and other than the dude crawling around in the tubes, there was just nothing there.

Most of the movie was Dennis Quaid phoning in another role....
"Private Bower...can you hear me?"
"Bower you there? Talk to me Bower!"

Holy shit, that guy did fucking nothing in that movie.
And the trailers annoyed me because they showed that Bower guy ripping his skin off like he had some kind of disease and it looked badass! I thought it was going to be a focal point of the movie like some kind of space disease or something. And then in the first 5 minutes of the movie, they just show that it was some after effect of being in cryostasis for however long. It had NOTHING to do with the movie and wasn't even meant to be creepy.

Then...the aliens.

I love sci-fi as much as the next guy, but this movie did everything wrong with the exception of possibly the cinematography.
Dennis Quaid looks identical to one of my friend's fathers. First time I met him I was like "dude you look like that guy from Enemy Mine!".
need need more old school movies... yesterday i watched Attack Of The KIller Tomatoes, nice plot, but sadly no gore :(
i saw army of darkness in theatres last year through some special one night only promotion, it was awesome

my friends and i got together and watch the evil dead 1+2 before we went :)
Yeah he did not pass off as a tough guy at all. Actually he came across as the asshole that usually dies near the end for most of the movie, not really someone you route for (Like Arnie).

Still I thought it was a pretty cool movie overall. It was pretty much exactly what I was expecting, and after AVP movies it's nice to see a good old fashion Predator movie
Predators was junk. They made the predators pussies, so easy to kill, bad cgi alien dogs. They unload a whole gun on them and they are not even scratched?? Adrien Brody's nose is so big he looks like a relative of pinocchio. Terrible wooden character I didn't give a shit if he gets blown up or not. And what is laurence fishburn doing playing a fat wannabe yoda character??? I could go on &on...
Fuck that. It wasn't as awesome as the first one but it was still good. Adrien Brody was not a good protagonist, he would have been great as the villain character if they had cast a better lead man (just replace Topher Grace, the lowest point of the movie).

Laurence Fishburne was just a segue to tell more of the story, and it was effective and did not outstay its welcome.

The Predators and the action scenes were my major points of interest and they were both good