Well,first of all,i dont get why did they call it ''serbian movie'' and whats the message of this movie ? Nothing makes sence in it, I cant believe Srdjan Todorovic made this .Actualy I do, Miskovic's little puppet can do anything. Why thw hell did he need it? Its just plain stupid. He just wanted to make a gore shocking what ever but he failed. I suggest you to find something better to do with your free time instead of spending it on this movie.
movie industry is flat out ideas
lol so far, my favorite quote in LtROI is "jockes the sweetest guy that ever lived"![]()
^ who are you?![]()
^in "let the right one in" the first character (second kill) to be killed is named jocke, and his friend is lamenting over his death and says "why would anyone kill him, jocke is the sweetest guy in the world"
i lol'd
is that in the swedish version or the remake?
awesome quote though, haha