The Horror Movie thread

The punisher was hilarious... the fight with the Russian and killing John Travolta... what more could you want?
still you get silly speeches and ridiculous scenes from time to time, just look at the family reunion part, lots of cheesy and absurd moments there easily avoidable but for whatever reason no one said anything to the director. for example, the guy escaping in a boat, change that for a headshot execution and you saved the scene but no, they went for the ridiculous choice... oh well, beside that the movie is good :)
tip: the world is better without Nude Nuns With Big Guns... there was some awful boobs
saw Teeth last night, fun movie, it's a thriller but it's not really scary, anyways, it's difficult to find a really scary movie nowadays, still quite fun and a must watch for every male here :lol:

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i'm watching Paranormal Activity 2, pretty gay. REC was much better, in that handcam type of movie
I liked both paranormal activity movies, not really scary movies but they got me tense quite a few times while watching them, and that's saying a lot more than most scary movies out there... REC was cool and REC 2 was good too but absolutely the same as the first one, a good idea would be to watch them both in a row :) the Black Christmas i saw, the old one, wasn't supposed to be gore really.
i saw Paranormal Activity 2, it got me tense too, but then it gayed


oh look, there is a ghost in the house, lets keep still sleeping there, that killed for me
haha, yeah, when the dad saw the vid... maybe it was the Normalcy bias, like the morons that stood in front of the wave in thailand's tsunami... taken from wikipedia:

People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation