The Horror Movie thread

Just read The Thing wont be a remake, but it will instead take place 3 days before the original movie. Makes it a bit more interesting, for me anyway.

Oh come on...have you seen the trailer? It plays out exactly like the original movie except they are actually pulling something out of the ice. They can say its a prequel all they like, but it looks like they stole every concept and beat from the movie, effectively making it a pseudo-remake.

Only instead of great actors and a fresh movie, we get young, hot actors and actresses because that's the hip thing to do.

Movie looks like shit, imo...and I guarantee you the CGI effects they have will look worse than a movie that came out almost 30 years prior to it.
i agree too actually, you know when its a bunch of no name hotties its gonna be decent at best

also this is my 5000th'll make for a nice redemption for my earlier blunder :lol:
just saw the remake of the thing, definitely worth seeing..... at least if you can pull the dick out of your ass about "its a remake" and just try and enjoy it :lol:
just saw the remake of the thing, definitely worth seeing..... at least if you can pull the dick out of your ass about "its a remake" and just try and enjoy it :lol:

It's quality. It will get crap, I'm sure, but some people forget how to enjoy things.

Also, the movie proved that the young no name hotties comment need not apply to it.
I liked it, I just wish it was a bit more like the first. They took the whole thing in a more action-oriented direction>

I loved the tense atmosphere from the original and you lose some of that when there are aliens roaming around for most of the movie.

I felt they improved where need be. The atmosphere cannot be as tense as the first because we already know to a degree what it was. I know what you're talking about, though 'action' doesn't really seem to properly describe it to me.