The Horror Movie thread

^I thought Let Me In was the remake?

Lol my favorite instance was Death At A Funeral. It was a dry british film...pretty funny...then they remade in for american audiences like 2 years later with an all black cast.

If you liked Death At A Funeral, you'll LOVE Blacks At A Funeral.
there is also a US version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, the character name are the same, and the speak with a swedish accent, wtf
^I thought Let Me In was the remake?

Lol my favorite instance was Death At A Funeral. It was a dry british film...pretty funny...then they remade in for american audiences like 2 years later with an all black cast.

If you liked Death At A Funeral, you'll LOVE Blacks At A Funeral.


and i was just refering to the swedish one, and that there was an american remake (whose name i had forgotten) :)

Texas Chainsaw Massacre II <3 half a head just got chop off

:lol: loved that movie, good ol dennis hopper
Paranormal Activity 3 was probably the best one.

It's a demon btw, not a ghost, silly fellows.

You guys arent fans (are faggots) but it does what it does fairly well.


When the woman answers the knock at the door (there's no one there) and comes back into the kitchen... all the furniture in the kitchen is missing... then it suddenly slams to the floor from the ceiling... That was a powerful what the FUCK moment.
I also thought the whole grandma hiding the all seeing eye symbol and pentagram behind paintings in her dining room was pretty fucked. The last moments of the movie turn to absolute fucking chaos as the mother's lifeless corpse is tossed down the steps onto the male character, just before his back is snapped like a toothpick by the demon, whom the little girl agrees to marry, with grandma looking on, a house full of witches, and a fucking pentagram burning in the yard.
the only movie that ever shat on me when i was a kid was "In The Mouth Of Madness" there is a scene with a old man that just fucking froze my heart for a couple seconds