The Horror Movie thread

Definitely excited about it. Wakewood (the other movie out recently by the newly reformed Hammer Films) was pretty good, so I expect similar quality.

I'm going to see it Sunday (pending changes in the amount of homework I've been getting) I'll let you know how it was if you didn't get out :)
im pretty a lot of us are recluses, otherwise we wouldnt be here :lol:

i havent seen manhunter but ive always wanted to, SotL was one of my favorite movies ever. :)
I actually wasn't a big fan of Manhunter. I checked it out a few years back and as far as film making goes it's nothing spectacular. On the other hand Brian Cox is a much more realistic serial killer compared to Anthony Hopkin's nutfest of a performance. The movie is more centered around the main character than Red Dragon was, so it's a little bit more psychological than Red Dragon. I guess both are decent it just comes down to taste.
I definitely want to see The Woman in Black. The creepy little woman talking in the previews has me convinced. I wish she was around to just talk to me about general stuff... she definitely makes the hair stand up on my arms sometimes.
Actually I'm a little surprised that Daniel Radcliffe is already escaping the whole Harry Potter typecast, he doesn't even look like the same person in Woman in Black. Never seen the Potter films so I don't know how good of an actor he is but usually when someone does something as lengthy as that series they get pigeonholed and you hardly hear about them again.
I went and watched it and really liked The Woman in Black. They kind of overdid the whole jump scare thing and Radcliffe was fearless as fuck but it was pretty well done. It's a good movie to see with a female too, if you guys know any... my fiance could barely even look at the screen.

And the final scene... that one hurt. Everyone knew what was going to happen... but when it did. Sadface.

Also, the first movie I've ever been to where people in the theater were screaming and actually leaving the movie.

Okay, I talked about a movie and tried my hardest not to spoil any of it for once.