The Horror Movie thread

rofl i'm looking for one, i have no idea of the plot, but in the end there was a man and a woman that were in a house, and by the end they were trapped in a maze, maybe a glass wall maze inside the house, and they have to get out? any sugestions?

also its old 80's/early 90's
rofl i'm looking for one, i have no idea of the plot, but in the end there was a man and a woman that were in a house, and by the end they were trapped in a maze, maybe a glass wall maze inside the house, and they have to get out? any sugestions?

also its old 80's/early 90's

Youre not talking about CUBE from 97? No?

Here is a list of movies with labyrinths or mazes...
Cube was awesome, but no. It was something similar to The People Under the Stairs
I also want help..

When I was kid I saw a movie where they were transporting a mummy on a train, the mummy awakens and start killing people on the train, if I recall correctly.
Anyone know what movie Im talking about? I guess its from the 80s or early 90s.


That sounds a lot like Horror Express to me, which I think was a Hammer Films project. It has Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing in it after all. The creature onboard drains people's souls and minds to kill them, and although it's not a mummy it very much looks like one when you first see it. It's from the 70's though, so I'm not sure if it's the one you were looking for but I'm betting it's the one.

rofl i'm looking for one, i have no idea of the plot, but in the end there was a man and a woman that were in a house, and by the end they were trapped in a maze, maybe a glass wall maze inside the house, and they have to get out? any sugestions?

also its old 80's/early 90's

I can't be sure on this one. It sounds a lot like Buried Alive but there isn't much detail to work with. And I don't quite remember if it was one victim or a couple. Either way it's about a guy that gets poisoned by his own wife, and he survives. He digs himself up and converts their old house into a maze for revenge. It's actually quite good from what I remember.

The glass walls part makes me doubt I have the right movie though
Holy shit Caleb thats awesome! :lol:
I didnt think it was that old, looking at the trailer it defenitely brings back some distant memories, looks worse than I remember though but thats normal, I was very young. Thanks.
The problem with the Total Recall remake is that they called it Total Recall because of name recognition. The book was not called Total Recall, it was "We Can Remember it for You Wholesale". So it really doesn't matter that they are going more off of the original story, because they are NAMING IT the Arnie flick, so obvious comparisons will be drawn.

If they are going to make the book, they should have just called it the story title or give it a different name entirely. When I think of "Total Recall", I expect Mars.

IMO? It looks completely fucking generic. Oooo...flying cars. Whoopy.

I'm so tired of "futuristic earth" it's not even funny. After Minority Report, I just feel like there is no new ways to envision the future of earth. Either it's going to post apocalyptic or it's going to be flying cars. So absolutely and utterly DONE with that shit.

Also, Colin Farrell sucks.

I'm sure it will be a moderately entertaining sci-fi flick, but they just should have named it something else. Oh, but then no one would see it, I forgot. Why? Because. It looks. Generic.
haha, I got lucky on the Buried Alive one I thought I was way off since it seemed too obvious a choice with so little info.

As for Total Recall I still don't think it looks very good. Generic is a pretty good description, I also would have gone with soulless. Too much soft shading fake looking CGI. I'm just trying to give it the benefit of the doubt and I'm hoping for a completely different kind of movie. I can't imagine them trying to re-capture the original, the trailer pretty much sealed that for me. Too be honest the story itself could make for a pretty badass spy type movie, but I doubt this movie will be capable of tapping into that. It looks like it's just going for the fake CGI, over the top action style.

At least Michael Bay didn't direct it
The problem with the Total Recall remake is that they called it Total Recall because of name recognition. The book was not called Total Recall, it was "We Can Remember it for You Wholesale". So it really doesn't matter that they are going more off of the original story, because they are NAMING IT the Arnie flick, so obvious comparisons will be drawn.

I completely agree.

If they are going to make the book, they should have just called it the story title or give it a different name entirely. When I think of "Total Recall", I expect Mars.

Thats what i said

Also, Colin Farrell sucks.

that just needed to be said again