The Horror Movie thread

Thanks for the welcome :) some of my favorite grindbands are Fuck i'm Dead, Rompeprop, Brujeria(Brujerizmo album mostly), Aborted, Bestial Devastation, Ultra Vomit, Napalm Death, Impaled .. :)

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total recall remake looks like total shit, doesnt give off any feel of the first (it was cheese but in a good way).

evil dead could go either way. from what i understand sam raimi is basicly taking a young director under his wing... like hes letting him do this movie to give him the same break it gave sam back in the day.
i dunno we talked about it somewhere in this thread :lol:
total recall remake looks like total shit, doesnt give off any feel of the first (it was cheese but in a good way)

I think I've said this here before, but it's actually not a remake of the Arnie classic. Both movies are based on a book, but since Total Recall with Arnie barely resembles the original story I expect it will be a completely different kind of movie, probably closer to the original story.

The 1990 Total Recall script itself had been floating in limbo for years even though Arnold wanted to make the movie because I guess he liked the story. Eventually the movie got made but of course, they took the story and Ah-noldized it and what you have is an awesome action movie.

If they had cast some wrestler in the role and tried to remake the same style movie, the movie would fail miserably. This new movie doesn't seem to be trying to "replace" the old one, or even compete with it so I'm cool with that. :lol:

Interestingly Minority Report (which was originally a planned sequel to Total Recall) is closer the the Total Recall story.
maybe some of you horror movie gurus can figure this out:

when i was a kid, i saw some old-ish (maybe 70's?) horror movie and i can't recall the name of it.

it begins with some dudes and a girl having a party somewhere. they accidentally knock the chick over and she hits her head, they think she's dead (nice death methulz rhyme there). they get terrified and shits and go like "omg we're going to jail, better hide her corpse in the car and push it down the lake/sea/whatever. just as they push the car down, they see her moving about in it, oh crap she's not fakken dead :(

blablabla several years later she shows up and starts killing off everyone like a boss-zombie.

something like that. anyone knows what i'm talking about? (niki, caleb etc: that's how you spell "aboot")
:lol: jocke, thanks it did take me a while to figure out what you were talkin aboot

I Know What You Did Last Summer?

exactly what i was going to say, if not id suggest looking for inspirations or "if you like this movie youd like..."

only thing is IKWYDLS, they hit a guy with their car going down a highway.
maybe some of you horror movie gurus can figure this out:

when i was a kid, i saw some old-ish (maybe 70's?) horror movie and i can't recall the name of it.

it begins with some dudes and a girl having a party somewhere. they accidentally knock the chick over and she hits her head, they think she's dead (nice death methulz rhyme there). they get terrified and shits and go like "omg we're going to jail, better hide her corpse in the car and push it down the lake/sea/whatever. just as they push the car down, they see her moving about in it, oh crap she's not fakken dead :(

blablabla several years later she shows up and starts killing off everyone like a boss-zombie.

something like that. anyone knows what i'm talking about? (niki, caleb etc: that's how you spell "aboot")

You wouldn't happen to be talking aboot Ghost Story would you? It's an older movie I saw it a looong time ago. I barely remember it now but she comes back to kill the guys like years and years later.
I also want help..

When I was kid I saw a movie where they were transporting a mummy on a train, the mummy awakens and start killing people on the train, if I recall correctly.
Anyone know what movie Im talking about? I guess its from the 80s or early 90s.