The Horror Movie thread

I'm now deciding whether I want to watch Critters or Tremors. Tremors is awesome, but something in me is saying to go with Critters, it's a bit more in the horror genre, plus those toothy aliens were a staple of Caleb's early horror years.
tremors! ive never seen critters though...i have a hard time convincing myself old monsters (relative term) are scary. i mean i know the thing and aliens etc were scary as hell, but weve all seen stupid, unscary claymation monsters too :lol:

and yeah id say the first HC is worth a watch, it isnt so much gory as it just messes with your mind, what goes through your mind. even though you never see the point where they are joined, you still feel how awful it is.
i have a strong stomach (or no soul) but HC2 was truly disturbing :lol:

T3 was "fun" in that it was in no way better than the first two but was enjoyable (in a nostalgic way) to see terminators killing shit. i also love how the paradoxes get deeper and deeper :lol:, skynet tries to kill kyle reese so he never goes back in time to impregnant john conners mother and john conner never fights the machines but if kyle reese didnt exist there would be no point in sending the first terminator to kill sarah conner, so the arm and chip would not be recovered by cyberdyne and skynet would not exist:lol:
lol, that was an excellent way to start a page. Ended up watching The Burrowers again instead. What an under-rated movie, I didn't hear anything about it anywhere until stumbling upon it a few years ago, and it definitely deserved a good theatrical run or at least some sort of advertising or recognition

Now I shall watch a movie called "Dead Birds", I know very little but I hear it's quite good. Looks like I'm mixing up Horror and Westerns, the two genres combined have lots of potential yet I don't see too many around.
see what happens when i dont start pages? :lol: (although thats more of game thread...)

i liked the burrowers too :D, there arent enough (or i cant find enough) horror westerns
lol, that was an excellent way to start a page. Ended up watching The Burrowers again instead. What an under-rated movie, I didn't hear anything about it anywhere until stumbling upon it a few years ago, and it definitely deserved a good theatrical run or at least some sort of advertising or recognition

Now I shall watch a movie called "Dead Birds", I know very little but I hear it's quite good. Looks like I'm mixing up Horror and Westerns, the two genres combined have lots of potential yet I don't see too many around.

Yup, I dug both of those.
There is certain movies you don't fuck with the rating. For example the first 2 Terminators were R rated gold! Now look at the waterd down PG13 sequels, not as good. Look at the first 2 Robocop movies, R rated action. Robocop3 PG13 watered down crap. Die Hard 4, watered down PG13 crap. Conan the Barbarian R, Conan the Destroyer PG crap. No the R rating doesn't make a movie better, it makes them more entertaining because they don't have to hold shit back. R is more realisic, I really hate the PG13 movies because they could of been so much better if they were R. I heard the Expendables 2 will be PG13 which fucking sucks. All PG13 does is get more people in the theater to make more money, so really they are only thinking about more money when it comes to PG13...R rated films are made for the art itself and not to cater to whole families.
Anybody ever saw the movie 'Bone Sickness' ? It's not a good movie when it comes to production and stuff but it's quite a brutal movie
I stumbled across that one a few years ago, it was pretty bad haha. I've certainly seen worse though, it's Oscar material compared to some small-time horror movies.
I just think it's a movie you should watch for the gory stuff and such, nothing more :p Does someone has some recommandations on recent horror movies?
nice ill check it out i think...i know some have mentioned a few in the past couple pages, i havent seen many new ones recently.

one cool one i saw last week was necromentia. the cover said "its like saw meets hellraiser but better than both". of course thats total shit :lol:, but it is still worth seeing and a great movie. it sorta revolves around the idea that...if someone wrongs you and you die, you become a demon, and the only way you can escape hell is if you can convince one of the living to avenge your death, but then they become a demon.
i wont give anything away but it sort of starts at the end, and works its way back to the start. i actually quite enjoyed the entire thing, but saying anything is better than hellraiser is too much haha.
and in case no one else has, let me be the first to welcome you to our little community. im also a big fan of grindcore :D, any reccomendations? (this board moves slow :p). my favorites are probably napalm death, disrupt, magrudergrind (definitely worth checking out), cock and ball torture, regurgitate :), lately ive been into the punk side of grind.
nice, i keep seeing that name but always pass over it. might have to download some movies. i hate that feeling with music, movies, or video games, when you are stuck in a rut and feel like nothing is coming that will blow your mind.

usually thats when i find something (also BSOD, looking up those bands)