The Horror Movie thread

The Toxic Avenger (1984) is probably the epitome of the 80's. Its hilarious, full of gore and lots of boobs
Its also a horrible movie (like all Troma films). I wanted to like it in all its cheesy glory but I couldn't get into it. It is mostly remembered for the head crushing scene which I guess was considered insane at the time.
that's what i meant... it's terrible overacted, but i thought it was pretty funny
better than Sharktopus Vs Pteracuda?

I can manage to sit through pretty much anything, however the Vomit Gore Trilogy by the utterly bizarre Lucifer Valentine was a whole different story. What the fuck WERE those films?!

I've seen all the Cannibal Holocaust, Martyrs, Serbian Film, Grotesque, August Underground and most of the typical "omg this is so disturbing" movies just because I'm curious to watch them all haha but anything by Lucifer Valentine is on another level haha. And that really is saying something because the other movies I mentioned are really disgusting as well.
Me too!! Woah you guys like Death Metal AND Pizza? You're freaking me out.

Also, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had a band, did they evolve into Swedish people and stop playing kids songs?