The Horror Movie thread

Thought the whole film was an allegory for battling depression, the babadook being a suicidal/murderous tendency growing in the woman's mind.

Taken at face value of a ghost story though, it was really well done. Would watch it again.
Watching Frailty. It's a pretty awesome movie. I'd recommend it to anyone that likes a good thriller. It was also the first time I realized Mathew McConaughey is actually pretty good.
Recently watched "The Shrine" made by Canadians, typical, mediocre movie not worth mentioning but... It made polacks so butthurt so I must say something about it cos i love polish tears.

American journalist with her boyfriend and friend some to polish village to investigate mysterious dissappearances, blahblah, nobody cares. But here begins the fun part. The village looks pretty oldschool, like 1800 oldschool, so its first time polacks feel attacked, because they wanted to be portrayed as modern, western countries. Bad luck poorland.
Next butthurt fuel - villagers obviously speak their native language, but what i personally find funny, some actors are real polish (like little girl and main priest) while the rest seem to be american. It sounds really weird to once here proper polish and then polish with accent. I dont believe it was hard to find some more slaves in Canada to make the movie more real. But hey, I had a great laugh. And one kid did a pretty good job at faking polish english accent. But polacks of course got butthurt, hurr durr, they cant speak polish. Well, neither you can speak english.

Another fun thing. Villager chased americans with... Crossbow. Yea, its like the most illegal thing in Poland you can imagine. Youre gonna have better luck getting a real gun legally, hell, even drugs, but crossbow? Good luck with that.

Overall the movie has one plus - great devil statue hidden in the forest. Other than that, mediocre as fuck.
This night I saw Human Centipede because finally it was added on Netflix.
I was like "Well, this might be some fucked up shit".

And now i finished watching HC 2 and I was like:
"This is definitely most fucked up SHIT ive ever seen I should stop watching but i wont".

In other words... 11/10.
Well, I see Olivia is in it so im gonna watch if its on netflix or in high quality on piratebay.

I love and hate Olivia. When I see her from specific angles I am like "God, youre beautiful" but from the others im like "Stay away, monster, or imma call witcher".
Would bang with silver medalion on just in case.

:) Remove S from https and remove this " &feature " garbage from link

Just like when embedding a URL or a blockquote, the embed code works as well.

For example, if you copy the video ID – in this case, iQXmlf3Sefg – and put it between 'youtube' brackets like so:

[ youtube ]iQXmlf3Sefg[ /youtube ]

it will embed the video.

Note: Spaces were added between 'youtube' and brackets to show code. Without the spaces, the video shows up like so:

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Too much work, its often just enough to get rid of "S" :) Depends on the link.

Im having more trouble with gifs / images that have longer links, like facebook pictures. Cant post them without reuploading to imgur or something.
Too much work, its often just enough to get rid of "S" :) Depends on the link.

Im having more trouble with gifs / images that have longer links, like facebook pictures. Cant post them without reuploading to imgur or something.

Yeah, I didn't even know removing the secure part of the protocol (i.e. 's') and the other parameters (e.g. '&feature) link was an option. I've been doing it the [ youtube ] way for years.

Re: Embedding GIFs: Similarly to the YouTube solution, [ img ] should work. If it doesn't, it's most likely because the website disallows posting the content elsewhere.
to post gifs and jpg here, it should have a link ending with either ".jpg" or ".gif". Facebook usually doesn't give you that, just random letters.