If you haven't seen Inside, I recommend that too...
À l'intérieur?! great movie, br00tal french cinema

If you haven't seen Inside, I recommend that too...
City of the Living Dead is Lucio Fulci...and with all of his movies you have to watch it with a certain respect for what he's trying to accomplish. He was a master of atmosphere and nightmare logic. I highly recommend checking out The Beyond and House by the Cemetery if you haven't already seen them. And then once you have done that, watch City of the Living Dead again. Other than the ending (which was terrible because they flat out ran out of money), it's one of my favorite movies. The gore, as you acknowledged, is gut-wrenching too.
Dario Argento is also a special everything he made in the 70s and 80s and you shouldn't be disappointed. Tenebrae and Suspiria are just fucking classic and should be in every horror fans collections.
finished "Inside" that movie was disturbing as fuck, especially the ending
not really a horror movie per se, but me and my gf just watched "irreverisble", pretty fucked up movie i must say, good though