The Horror Movie thread

Well I don't know why but someone just told me about some crime that happened in Indiana where a crazy lady let her kids (I mean little kids not highschoolers) torture some girl. Pretty fucked up, but there were apparently two movies made in the same year about it. An American Crime and The Girl Next Door. I can't decide which version to watch, or if I should even bother. Some of the extreme movies are starting to get redundant.
i watched The WolfMan, with Benicio del Toro, it was ok, should had more gore
then go for Haute Tension now... no need to thank me, I know I did good :goggly:

haha i decided to respond after 4 months :P, i already saw that movie actually, it was really excellent :), especialyl that scene with that concrete saw :)

Irreversible is a messed up movie. First time I tried watching it I was stoned and ended up completely losing track of where the movie was headed, it didn't work so well. Second time it was okay though, but yeah it was definitely fucked up. Pretty brutal scenes in there too, never look at fire extinguishers the same:P

god damn i love canada :Smokedev:
I watched a fucked up flick over the weekend called "Hanger".
It was about a hooker who got the pimpfist from her pimp in the form of a hanger up the canal at 8-months in.

The pimp dumps the scratched up baby in a dumpster and a bum rescues it. Then, 18 years later, it reconnects with his dad to try and kill the pimp that did that to him.

The movie is totally depraved...I'd say it's equal parts gross-out shocker and soft core porn most of the time mixing the two. It's on netflix streaming! I highly recommend it for sickos.
I bet some of you know this allready, especially DustyP.
But I just found out and its fucking fantastic news to me.
Guillermo Del Toro is in the making of H.P Lovecrafts AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS!!!

Yeah this is really interesting, there have been rumors about At The Mountains of Madness going to film for a while, but I never really paid attention to it. However with James Cameron backing Del Toro (assuming that's how it happened) there won't be many people standing in the way of it. Cameron knows how to make money.