The Last Samurai n' other things...

Keyser Soze

Anti-Social Socialist
May 28, 2002
at work....
Short review:
Think... Dances With Wolves... in Japan
Good movie, a little long, but beautifully lensed and well acted. I'm not the biggest Tom Cruise fan, and the only reason I went to see it was because I didn't pay, and was still comatose from the Canes drive... but the movie was good ;)
Saturday is my last day at Earthlink... it'll be weird, but I'm looking forward to it... I'm of the belief that change is always good (to quote Bruce D. "Nothing Last Forever, but the Certainty of Change").
Keyser Soze said:
Check out Whale Rider... a BEAUTIFUL movie about family and heart... I might be talking to the wrong crowd here though.... ;)

now your scaring me cause this is way off your planet! again forgive me for pigeon holen ya again but its a long way from what you normally like.
and i agree, it was Beautiful.
Keyser...just remember. Only you know in your heart what's right. Your parents don't, Earthlink doesn't, and neither do some of your very own friends. So no matter how weird it is, if it feels right, it probably is right. There's my 2 cents on life. What the Hell do I know. I share a 1bd apt with another guy, I have no job, no girlfriend, and I go to school and play in a band.
shadow walker said:
now your scaring me cause this is way off your planet! again forgive me for pigeon holen ya again but its a long way from what you normally like.
and i agree, it was Beautiful.

I'm a big movie buff and will go see just about anything (provided that I like the director)... but I do have some guilty pleasures... like Bruce Campbell :)
cycosuicide said:
Keyser...just remember. Only you know in your heart what's right. Your parents don't, Earthlink doesn't, and neither do some of your very own friends. So no matter how weird it is, if it feels right, it probably is right. There's my 2 cents on life. What the Hell do I know. I share a 1bd apt with another guy, I have no job, no girlfriend, and I go to school and play in a band.
Thou art wise, oh afro'd one...
and you know what? it does feel right... for the first time, in a long time, I'm actually looking forward to my days :)
If it feels right, it probably is, but it might not be. If it feels right and it's not, then you're fucked.

cycosuicide said:
What the Hell do I know. I share a 1bd apt with another guy, I have no job, no girlfriend, and I go to school and play in a band.
Almost sounds like my life, except with 2 roommates and 2 rooms, a job, school finally over, STILL not actively playing in a band and no girlfriend. (Of course, everyone keeps saying my new wheels are a chick me, no car can make up for those with "Negative Personality.")