The Long-Awaited Violin Thread!


Loitering Dwarf
Mar 28, 2008
We've been promising/threatening to do it for aaaaaages now, and here it is!

Katie, Olli, git yer backsides in here :p

Red dot = B. I think :erk:
Hmm, don't think my hands were really designed for violin-playing.
Wonder if I could fit a cello under my chin. Might have to take the spike off the end first...
Everyone should own a purple violin. :cool:

And, yeah, might be better if I left the spike on. Then I could simultaneously sup my pint and scratch my arse without dropping my cello!
(mind you, I'd probably then need a lie down after such complex multi-tasking)
Everyone should own a purple violin. :cool:

So true. I will get round to buying one soon. When I have time to go a shop and try a few for size. You know better than most how unlikely I am to need a fullsize violin :lol: (I'm pretty sure it's going to be between a 7/8 and a 3/4 :erk: - and yes everyone, I really am that tiny :()

And, yeah, might be better if I left the spike on. Then I could simultaneously sup my pint and scratch my arse without dropping my cello!
(mind you, I'd probably then need a lie down after such complex multi-tasking)

Much as you are often a loud, hairy, drunken, belligerent pain in the backside, I really do love you sometimes :Smug:

It's times like this when I feel like Hermy to your Grawp :Smug:

Now if I could just find some trees big enough to tie you to....

Now if you could just fill out the 145,444,955 page long Risk Assessment for Health and Safety, you should be tied to your trees by 2090!
Hang on, this is starting to sound a bit too much like what I'm supposed to be doing at work!
So, logically this must mean that my tree has an internet connection, meaning I'll spend all day sitting in the forest posting on forums and looking for cheap CDs and DVDs from Amazon and eBay instead of doing whatever Grawp is paid to do.
It could even mean that at about 5pm a 70-year-old forest cleaner will wander past, empty the bin and complain to me about the weather.