The long awaited "Would?" Cover...

May 21, 2008
If any of you had any thoughts, hopes, or dreams of listening to this track anytime soon please abandon all hope (Lasciate ogni speranza, v'oi ch'entrate..) because the almighty and great Akerfeldt has spoken that the Alice in Chains cover is going to be held onto. He didn't give a reason or why as to the particular answer behind this riddle, but my only conclusion for the moment could be artist's preference maybe? But this only allures the intrigue into the mind of Mr. Akerfeldt, and rest assured, when he finally decides to flip his finger on the "release the fucking sog switch" after so many cries of angst or frustration of an "incomplete" album.. I will at long last make a well overdue purchase while so many others have pulled and stressed at their now graying and balding heads wondering why they spent so much money on releases, re-releases, or special editions when all they simply needed was a touch of some much needed patience for that one album that chimes the "ready to buy it" bell. Sort of like a timer on an oven when the cake is done baking. Just a thought, but then again I know how some of our precarious populace express their inability to absorb such "rational" thought. But hey, give it a chance and it might just pay dividends for you in the long run.

Anyway, I can't wait until it's release so i can finally say that I bought my copy.

On a side note The April 26th Opeth concert in London was a great sight to behold as Akerfeldt & Co. were not only well composed, but the mid-song anecdotes were quite a pleasure. A good stage man and musician they all were and I can't wait until I find a show back in the US to attend although one word to the wise - it's cheaper to buy a tour shirt in the UK than in the US because they run for about 40 dollars in the US and 30 dollars in the UK. I saved myself a bundle on the shirt, but the hoodie... well that's another story.
Thanks for reading all, and wish you all an Opethian day. always and evermore.
In an interview, I remember Mike saying that he was not satisfied with the way it turned out. Not sure we will ever hear it. I can't wait to hear the other covers though.
Pretty sure there are issues with licensing rights that at the root of why Would? is not going to be released anytime soon. I think Mike is disappointed, but there appear to be some legal issues that are holding it up from what I have heard from some very realiable sources.
Found this out a couple of days ago, and they have fooled me again. I pre-ordered the vinyl edition and the special edition, only to find out a day later that the vinyl bonus track is one of the three bonus tracks on the SE, and that, indeed, "Would?" will remain unreleased for now. Needless to say, I am quite pissed off at this. Perhaps I should have done some better research, but this still sucks...
im not that disappointed, well i'm sure it's a great track, but im not going to hold off and not buy the album for three years to wait for the re-release, and i'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that TC has already downloaded the album or plans too, because waiting that long for a re-release would be an agonising wait, in fact the next album might be out by then :lol:
so for those of us decent enough not to download the album, we'll be picking up our copy in june so we can hear the album for the first time and completely respect the artist(genius) who made it
In an interview, I remember Mike saying that he was not satisfied with the way it turned out. Not sure we will ever hear it. I can't wait to hear the other covers though.

I read something similar too...Mike said something like that it was the weakest of the covers they recorded. Don't really care for that track, I just want to hear " derelict herds".:Smokin:
You surely mean May 16th? I would be impressed if you managed to see them on the 26th considering today is the 21st.

Anyway, I heard Mikael say in an interview that the 'Would?' cover is not that great. He described it as sounding exactly the same as the original but not as good. I would have thought license issues are not the case since they surely sorted that out when they decided to record it. I haven't heard anyone else complain about an 'incomplete' album. The AIC cover was never part of the original album, it was a bonus track, a nice extra but separate to the album itself. I don't particularly care that it's not there. If it was an original song then maybe, but I'm certainly not going to hold off buying a copy because of a cover song. Just go and buy a copy of Dirt.
If I bought a copy of dirt, then it wouldn't be Opeth doing a tribute, and listening to a different musical flavour of the same song. Much can be said from various bands who have covered each other in the past. One good example would have been that of Jimi Hendrix covering Bob Dylan's "All Along the Watchtower". Do you think Hendrix's album would have been complete without that track? Opinions are welcome. always and evermore, have an Opethian night.
I don't care about the album being "incomplete". The band have set the album at seven tracks, and that's that. What bothers me is that more than likely this track will eventually be released on a reissue, and I, as a big fan, will want to buy that. Ah well...
1) Copyright problems.:erk:
2) Mike's not happy with it.:zombie:
3) Did they forget to press "Record"?:Smug:
4) RR is holding on to it for a few extra $$ later on.:bah:
In other words, it's more headache than it's worth these days to simply put out a cover song. I hate corporate capitalism, it's the bane of all musical creation.

Here's to an Opethian night. always and evermore.
If I bought a copy of dirt, then it wouldn't be Opeth doing a tribute, and listening to a different musical flavour of the same song. Much can be said from various bands who have covered each other in the past. One good example would have been that of Jimi Hendrix covering Bob Dylan's "All Along the Watchtower". Do you think Hendrix's album would have been complete without that track? Opinions are welcome. always and evermore, have an Opethian night.

Well for one thing Hendrix's version was very different to the original, but it was also part of the actual album. What I'm trying to say is that 'Would?' is not part of the album any more than Soldier of Fortune was part of Ghost Reveries. It's a bonus for the special edition. Anyway, surely it's up to Opeth to decide if it's part of the album or not? They wrote Derelict Herds and decided it didn't fit with the album so they took it off, and now it's a bonus track and not part of the album.

I have not heard anywhere that there's an issue with the rights, can anyone produce any actual verification of this?
3) Did they forget to press "Record"?:Smug:


I think he meant April 26th?

I can imagine Mike being displeased with the cover and therefore not wanting to release it but still, way to get our (those who love the song/AIC) hopes up. Even if it was crap, I finally would have something bad to say about Opeth. After so many years, that's a fucking record.

What are these sources you speak of LakeofGhosts?
I think I'm gonna buy the regular edition, and maybe in the long run sometimes also the special edition, for the extra song, the doco and the 5.1 mix. Only after I've bought a 5.1 system though, which is months away now.