the love thread

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The seconds before you die you are probably really fucked up in the brain, probably better than pot!. That would probably be your dazed prime.
What's wrong with wanting naturally beautiful and intelligent girls over made up and plastic dumbasses?

your E-standards are ridiculous

the perfectly beautiful woman (who needs little makeup) and has a 150 IQ is not exactly dime a dozen

an attractive girl who's in shape and at least competent in terms of intellect is more than good enough
My "e-standards" are not all that impossible to meet, mostly for the fact that I have very different standards of "beauty" and would take a cute girl over the "hot" girl anyday.

I'll show you one of the girls I feel personifies beauty to me. Sure, musician and music video effects and the (decently small) make up, whatever, finding a girl who LOOKS LIKE A HUMAN and still maintains beauty (like she does) without looking like a bag of plastic (or in many of your cases a man) is all I desire. I don't want some super model beauty queen, just a normal "girl next door" pretty.

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Emotional attachment comes from love; if you get too caught up on how someone looks or is shaped, you may be missing out on something amazing.

That is all I'm going to say.
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