the love thread

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I love the pot I have been smoking since yesterday. I have never liked pot so much before.
So today were the tryouts for And Flights Of Angels... a.k.a. Hamlet from Horatio's perspective... very cool.

I got Laertes. But that's not the story.

I was telling 2 people, Mallory and Brittany, all day that they had a great chance to get a part. I was working hard to encourage them all day. And guess what? I WAS FUCKING RIGHT!!! They BOTH got parts and I feel so fucking vindicated and great for them. Ah. So good. And now to the choir concert. See you fools on the flipside.
So today were the tryouts for And Flights Of Angels... a.k.a. Hamlet from Horatio's perspective... very cool.

I got Laertes. But that's not the story.

I was telling 2 people, Mallory and Brittany, all day that they had a great chance to get a part. I was working hard to encourage them all day. And guess what? I WAS FUCKING RIGHT!!! They BOTH got parts and I feel so fucking vindicated and great for them. Ah. So good. And now to the choir concert. See you fools on the flipside.
Mallory and Brittany sound hot!

You sound so gay!

To be honest with you, I wasn't like that even when I was 17. So I guess it's just bigtits, err... bigdave.
Feeling better now? :)

Quite so.

And dave it isn't so much the "weird" factor as it is the typical "Oh, hey you have boobs. Now what was your name I didn't catch it" guy factor that I want to avoid.
ok that's fine but don't pretend that I'm weird or shallow or something

the average 17 or 18 year old is 10x more shallow than I am

alright guys I'm off to the gym (just took an entire week off)
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