the love thread

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sex is, or should be, a rather atheletic activity, when properly executed.


well, there's something to be said for my man muscles doing all the work when i've got a lil' ol' weak tiny thang, but a girl who can do 300 squats will get ya good, too.

edit: it's all about the bounce, baby.... i'm drunk at 7 A.M., btw, and love you all...

late edit #2: and what Jenny Lewis slightly lacks in proper prettiness, she more than makes up for in being teh badass, so yeah, i hella would.
Spectacular Views said:
oh my god she is the most beautiful woman in the world i love her with all my heart forever and ever

When you say that are you implying that would have sex with her or if you just think she's a beautiful women and like her music ?.
The Greys said:
Susperia would be like one of us posting on mandy moore forum. I don't exactly get why she posts here and don't really care to be honest.

Neurotica is cool. You generally can't tell the persons sexual orientation(yeah she's a female).

Fuck you Cody. I don't understand where you get your information from, but I HATE pop music, i've never listened to Mandy Moore in my life, and I am never fucking forgiving you for this shit again, so don't bother coming on AIM or PMing me with an apology like usual.

I post here because I LOVE METAL AND I LOVE TALKING ABOUT IT AND FINDING NEW BANDS. Is that really so hard to understand? i'm sorry my physical appearance isn't up to your standards of what is Metal. And you're a cock if you think that women can't post here unless they look a certain way. Now please fuck off and don't ever tell me I shouldn't be posting here again, or that I should go post on a Mandy Moore messageboard.

And Cythraul--- right back at you, you shit fuck ass COCK SLUT VAGINA FUCK@!!!!! The reason why that post was capitolized is because I had a horrible day yesterday and then I read typical internet male shit where even the most attractive and sculpted women in the best of lighting with make up and hair all perfect THEY'RE STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THEM.
Susperia said:
Fuck you Cody. I don't understand where you get your information from, but I HATE pop music, i've never listened to Mandy Moore in my life, and I am never fucking forgiving you for this shit again, so don't bother coming on AIM or PMing me with an apology like usual.

I post here because I LOVE METAL AND I LOVE TALKING ABOUT IT AND FINDING NEW BANDS. Is that really so hard to understand? i'm sorry my physical appearance isn't up to your standards of what is Metal. And you're a cock if you think that women can't post here unless they look a certain way. Now please fuck off and don't ever tell me I shouldn't be posting here again, or that I should go post on a Mandy Moore messageboard.

Fuck me cara ?

I'm not saying you like pop music or mandy moore. I'm saying you being on this board would be like one of us posting on her forum with a bunch of feminine girls which does not make sense trying to push our ways of thinking on them. I have no problem with you being a female or who you are. You still don't have to point out you are a feminine blonde female. You do it all the time(I don't care what you say). This is a metal forum that is populated heavily by males and masciline quality is still very much important in discussion. I don't go on heavily populated boards will girls starting petty arguments because of how they think and view things calling them sexist, and starting these males vs. female battles. You have some issues. I don't even know you and can tell you are dramatic and crazy. Go paint some female and strain your wrist all day you whacko.
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Susperia said:
Fuck you Cody. I don't understand where you get your information from, but I HATE pop music, i've never listened to Mandy Moore in my life, and I am never fucking forgiving you for this shit again, so don't bother coming on AIM or PMing me with an apology like usual.

I post here because I LOVE METAL AND I LOVE TALKING ABOUT IT AND FINDING NEW BANDS. Is that really so hard to understand? i'm sorry my physical appearance isn't up to your standards of what is Metal. And you're a cock if you think that women can't post here unless they look a certain way. Now please fuck off and don't ever tell me I shouldn't be posting here again, or that I should go post on a Mandy Moore messageboard.

And Cythraul--- right back at you, you shit fuck ass COCK SLUT VAGINA FUCK@!!!!! The reason why that post was capitolized is because I had a horrible day yesterday and then I read typical internet male shit where even the most attractive and sculpted women in the best of lighting with make up and hair all perfect THEY'RE STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THEM.

I love computers. If it weren't for them I'd be......... without a computer. :erk:

DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
My 7 year old son would totally waste you in any debate that you'd like to have. I can't believe that you can go to college, but I get turned down for federal aid and have to spend the rest of my life in poverty. This is why America is a shithole.

Nothing against you Susperia.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:

DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
My 7 year old son would totally waste you in any debate that you'd like to have. I can't believe that you can go to college, but I get turned down for federal aid and have to spend the rest of my life in poverty. This is why America is a shithole.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I had literally JUST woken up. Give me a break. Plus that part was rather non-serious. Eh, I don't swear often so when I do it's funny to people who know me ---but yeah I can see why it's not funny here.

And fuck you =D
Read my post and we can be nice!. I think we're misunderstanding each other.
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