the love thread

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i just heard a guy covering the UCLA - WSU (college basketball) game say "Dreadlocked Magenta!"


if the Cougars win it will be the biggest upset of the year so farr...
no more metal

no metal metal

no more rebellion

lets listen to girl bands

Fuck metal

Fuck metal

Metal is noisy sleazy obnoxious trash

joanna newsom rocks

joanna newsom has the voice

joanna newsom is gold

no more metal

no more noise

it's time to grow up now

jenny lewis is in

jenny lewis has a cool name

jenny lewis

jenny 'fuckin' lewis.

But seriously, this thread has strayed too far from metal.




neon golden is what Kid A should have been... Kid A still is amazing and mostly perfect, but that's what it logically should have sounded like instead of the post-rock-tronica or whatever... more indie-trip-pop, i guess...

...i'm starting to think Shrink was better than OK Computer but i'm prlly just crazy...

edit: ...all that shit blows compared to Cardigans "Gran Turismo" tho FTW FTW FTW!!!...
I love the album "Venus Isle" by Eric Johnson, so far one of my favorite musicians, lovely album with some of the best guitar playing and "feel"

not that anyone here would know about Eric Johnson :)
I love saturday night beer drinking. When it's snowing out what at night is better to do than get drunk. I love standing outside at night with a beer with snow falling on me while looking at the trees and sky.
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