the love thread

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I love reading horror shit like H.P. Lovecraft/Robert E. Howard/Stephen King while playing some nice atmospheric black metal. Ever tried reading "Shadows of Death" with "In The Nightside Eclipse" flowing into your ears? Wonderful.

I also love the highly theatrical, demonic dream I had last night which, if I wanted to, I could easily turn into a film.

I read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley last night while listening to Ulver's Nattens Madrigal and Summoning's Minas Morgul. I never listened to metal while reading books, but now I find it quite the experience.

I imagine listening to Summoning complements reading LOTR the best though.
I'm torn at which outfit is the cutest, maybe Susperia or SV could help me out here



edit: By far the most hetero man ever.

A fucking disgrace.
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