the love thread

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But read the Dark Tower series first, bitches.

aye :kickass:

I am currently reading Bag Of Bones, which is very well written so far. Very interesting. As for the dark tower, it owns all. Even The Stand.

I also liked dreamcatcher very much (although the movie sucked).

I am a Stephen King nerd, for sure. But he is a great writer, although many of his books get a bit far fetched at the end.
WMP is great but the new version takes up TONS of RAM and with Firefox taking up more than it's fair share it gets to be a bitch sometimes. It's the only thing Microsoft has churned out that doesn't suck and is actually better than the competition.

WMP Classic ftw. Far, far fucking better than the any other versions.
so what are you guys doing for new years eve??

I'm about to go the gym for a couple of hours, come back go to a family friend's house (with the whole family - their son is one of my good friends) - so we'll prolly watch the football game, and then smoke and relax as the new year comes

it's going to be the invasion of the new year resolutionists at my gym

the people who come for 3 weeks, workout with the intensity of an arthritic old lady (and then wonder why they're not getting any results :rolleyes:), and then leave

well, hopefully there will be some hot cardio bunnies coming up
The eve well past here. 2:18am. I was passing right in front of the gurudwara at around 1am.. people have crowded in front of the place and they're partying quite heavily.. blocking all passing traffic. They know even the police cannot stop them.. it'll be a 'religious' issue then.. which always end up as riots in India. :)
I love that Winter's Bane - Redivivus is a really fucking good album and the true follow up to Heart of A Killer, unlike that piece of crap Girth.
Just putting this out there... I don't think Grimace was being serious. Just a wild shot in the dark.

Also, I have no problem with Paris Hilton. She's been given a lucky break in life, she's making the most of it, good for her.
I know he was but I still think she should die. She's rich, that is her only reason for being a celebrity, being a rich slut. Who gives a fuck? Not me.
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