the love thread

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I love Drudkh. And Xasthur. And Weakling. And Darkthrone. (Goddammit I love Darkthrone, especially Blaze and Funeral. And Soulside Journey is the greatest death metal album ever created. Period. Done. I'm gonna go start a thread about DM DT. Hell, even the post-Panzerfaust stuff kicks my ass.) And cigarettes. And scruff. But especially cigarettes. Let's hear it for the smokers.
Thasis: Weakling are (were) amazing. They were sort of a one-off band I suppose, a bunch of Californian fuckheads from other bands (the Fucking Champs, who are equally amazing, being one of them). I highly, highly recommend them. Dead as Dreams, the one album they put it, is monolithic. Sort of Burzum-esque in places, sometimes reminiscent of Emperor circa Anthems. Everybody go track down that record asap.

Oh, and I love orange juice, as it (supposedly) helps me fight off the cancer with which I'm sure to one day be diagnosed.
Cancer FTW! Haha, yah, die young I say. Just make the most of what time you have.

Alright, I went to this show last night. Some local unsigned bands. Fucking amazing, well atleast the last two were. The first one had a post-Sex Pistols sound and blew horrible chunks, but the other two rocked. Wish I had money though... then I could have bought a shirt. Hence, I love local bands!
I love that fact that we're all going to die one day~. To bad the order is not known.
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