the love thread

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Yeah he's full of shit. There are quite a few people on this board alone who like other music. Did you already forget the Non-Metal Inquisition???

nah,I remember it. It's like coming here to talk about something when I see pictures of those indie girls(don't care for their names) plastered all over here:puke:
3 was awesome! 1 really sucked. I like 2 because of Jango Fett.
3 was an abomination. The acting was unforgivably bad. I'm not expecting Oscar caliber performance it they looks like they didn't even try. The rest of the movie was just the Emperor talking to Anakin and the ridiculous lava sequence. How are they surviving 1 foot above molten lava?
3 was an abomination. The acting was unforgivably bad. I'm not expecting Oscar caliber performance it they looks like they didn't even try. The rest of the movie was just the Emperor talking to Anakin and the ridiculous lava sequence. How are they surviving 1 foot above molten lava?

Oh well, I liked it.
oh fuck yeaaaaaaaaa!!!!

bears are going to win the superbowl

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

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