the love thread

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I love with this woman.She's fuckin gorgeous.

yeah thats a cool vid but its hella old and everyone in the fighting game scene is pretty sick of hearing about it heheh

still ive seen it so many times i can practically recite the fuckin commentary word for word from memory

the player who uses Ken in those vids is Ryu in these...he's one fuckin crazy psychic motherfucker


Very cool. I always wanted to get reasonably good at fighting games but never had the patience to see it through. I would play everyday for about a week and then get bored. All of my friends hate fighting games, so i always win and they get annoyed and I get sick of playing single player.
dreamcast emulation is pretty bad so youre not gonna have much luck with that......yea you should just buy a DC, i had like 5 at one point, its a great console

heres another neato street fighter 3 3rd strike parrying vid with classic japanese crowd chants.......

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