the love thread

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paddy loves beer metal THE LADYS allthe guys and girls in here james hetfield steve harris jimmy page venom slayer and most of all FLYING INTO JONNY FORTUNES:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :Smokin:
I love when making money because it makes me feel important regardless that i'm not going to be a millionaire.
I love driving around like a maniac because it's impowering(only have my permit). freedom
I love getting cds in my mailbox
I love looking at nude ladies
I love almost being independent
I love playing my jackson guitar
I loved when I had a lot of percocets, endocets, and hydrocodones. I loved you all until you were gone.
I love sitting in my room alone with my cds.
I love the rain unless i'm under it to long
I love nature
I love the sky
I love cumming
I love coffee with hazzelnut
I love cracking some beers once in awile when the day is done
I love thinking about the better days
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