the love thread

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The Evil Miscreant loves...
Strong Coffee
Death and Black Metal
Naked women in their 20's
and breaking shit
I love music
I love playing guitar and piano
I love concerts
I love good smoke like water pipe
I love beer
I love bad TV series like Ren and Stimpy or The Muppet Show or Futurama
I love night and darkness (not because it's tr00 kvlt)
I love girls
I love good food
I love good drink

Well, that's it...
Teh Grimarse said:
it's comparable to having sex with god if god looked like Scarlett Johansson.


I love...

- My girlfriend, who is also my best friend, soulmate and the only person that really matters to me
- Music
- Night
- Any place that is completely devoid of people
- Pasta
- Feta cheese
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