the love thread

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hhmmmm, let's see...

1. This guy has huge muscules.
2. You can tell by his clothes - he likes hip-hop.
3. He wears bright pink t-shirt, which obviously says that he's a fucking faggot.

...Davie, sweetheart! Since when do you have a tattoo?

that's not huge

this is huge
Pink shirt: I don't give a shit what any of these fashion faggots say, pink is not the new blue. Pink is fucking pink. Quit watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and put on a game. Ever notice that no sports teams in any league have pink anywhere in their uniforms? Not even the WNBA. Pink is the color of flowers and hippie's hair and uninfected vagina. No man should EVER wear this color in any way. EVER. If you wear a pink shirt at any time you are a douchebag. You look like a pussy and a sissy, and I want to shit down your throat. Especially when you wear a pink shirt with a...

Popped collar: No. This just enhances your overly apparent douchebaggedness. When you buy a collared shirt, it comes with the collars folded over exactly how they should be. Leave them alone. Why do you want to hide your neck so bad? Don't want to show off that hickie you got last night from that dumb slut you slipped some rufies? Because that is the only way you're pulling any box with your collar turned up. Girls laugh at you. No matter what you think, it is not cool. Flip it back down and go change out of your...

Black undershirt: Is this supposed to fool us into thinking you're hard? Let me remind you, you're wearing a PINK shirt, with the collar up. You are not hard. Although I guess it matches your...

Wristband: What the fuck? This pisses me off maybe more than any other thing here. Just get done trying to play basketball? Do you sweat profusely around attractive women, and need to swipe your brow every now and then? Or is this just another ploy to seduce some unsuspecting whore? Perhaps you're wearing it because it matches that black undershirt which makes you look hard and brings out your true metrosexuality? Metrosexuals are gay. And so are you with your...

Cell phone clip: Hey dickhead, everyone has a cell phone now. 90% of 11 year olds have cell phones now. My 74 year old grandfather has a cell phone. There is no need to show it off to anyone. Pants have pockets for a reason. Use them. Oh wait, that's probably where you keep your stash of rufies, and the stuff you use to make that...

Who's posted that picture first, insulting metal wrath? Man, you don't even have a simple logic. You've just got in your own shitty trap.
so metal wrath is the queer in pink?

it's okay, I wore a violet purple shirt (with a popped collar) the other day. We're kinda like twins, we both like to wear pussy colored shirts.
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