the love thread

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those fucking things are so cliched already, to have one at this point is pretty pathetic. Nothing against you personally.
I like triscuits :cry:

Triscuits are so badass when smothered with cream cheese that is mixed with dried beef. You should try it Suspie...oh, wait, never mind.:loco:

On the whole gringoball thing...

The Steelers fucking blew the season. It sounds weird, but I was actually disappointed to see my 2nd favorite team get spanked by my fav team in week #8; simply because I know that the Raiders are the worst organisation in the NFL. Rothlesburger needs to swallow his fucking pride and sit out the rest of the season.
As for NCAA, my Hawkeyes have also blown it, and it's really frusturating being an Iowan immigrant living in Nebraska knowing now that the faggoty Huskers will probably make a bowl game while the Hawkeyes don't have a chance in hell.
Here how it goes

Soccer fans could kill football fans in a fight (nuts soccer fans), but Football players could pound on soccer players.

Football (Soccer) fans in certain areas, Portsmouth for one are completely mental, its awesome!
And Rugby players could fuck up American Football players.

To thread: I love how Opeth were Flawless lastnight, it was amazing! Only problem was they didnt play the Moor, and how I felt this morning after being in the pit for their whole set of an hour and a half.
an opeth mosh pit is nearly impossible because in a lot of opeth songs they aren't heavy enough for long enough...a song that comes to mind that is heavy enough to mosh to is probably ghost of bout you mosh if they play something from damnation :lol:
does everyone just kind of stop moshing and awkwardly stand around during the 5 minute acoustic sections
What does heaviness have to do with getting into music. People get into acoustic guitars,etc...
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